Chapter Twenty-Two

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Emily's POV

I'm sitting in the hospital waiting for Aaron get out of surgery, he got shot four times in the stomach when he got out of the SUV by the UNSUB. We were able to arrest him, and get Aaron to the closest hospital.

I picked up my phone and dialed Liv's number, she answered after the second set of rings. "What is it Mom? You never call when you're on cases."

"Yeah I know, but you guys need to get to Seattle as soon as you can." I started with tears welling up in my eyes


I couldn't hold it in anymore and started to cry. Someone noticed me cryin and came over to help.

"Ma'am, what happened? Can I help with anything?"

"No thank you, I got this." I said wiping my eyes, "Thank you though." I put the phone back against my ears.

"Mom, what's going on?" Jenny asked me.

"Just get here as soon as you can. I'll tell you when you get here." I hung up and sat down, I put my head in my hands as tears fell down my face. A few minutes later I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see the same young woman who offered to help me earlier.

"What happened?" She asked as she looked at me with sympathy.

"I don't know you."

"My son is in surgery, he fell down a tree and shattered his legs and an arm." She said with tears.

"My husband is in surgery. He got shot on the job."

"Is he a police officer?"

"No, we both work for the FBI."

"Oh, that's dangerous."

"It's all part of the job, but we both love it."

"That's good."

"How old is your son?" I asked her.

"Seventeen. How old are your kids?"

"How do you know I have kids?"

"I figured that's who you were talking to earlier"

"You're observant."

"You kind of have to be when you have kids. Am I right?"

"Definitely, my girls are seventeen now."

A yawn escaped her mouth and she stood up. "You want some coffee?"

"I'll come with." I said standing up. We walked over to the coffee station, and got ourselves the biggest size they had available. "So what's your name anyway?"

"Katherine Smith, my son's name is Jake." She started, "you can call me Caty though."

"I bet he's a brilliant young man."

"Top of his class." She said when we walked past the information desk.

"I'm going to check on my husband." I said, she went back to our seats and I walked up to the desk. "Do you know if there's any new information on Aaron Hotchner?"

"Who's asking?"

"His wife. Is there?"

"Looks like he is still in surgery, there should be someone coming to to give you and update."

"Thank you." I sat down next to Caty.


"They said someone should be out here to give me an update soon." I said as I sat back down.

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