Chapter Twenty-One

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Hotch's POV

I woke up and it was five-thirty in the morning. "Hey Emily, Hun wake up." I whispered in my wife's ear. She stirred, curling herself into my side even further, if that's even possible.

"No, let me seep." She mumbled.

"Come on Hun, we got to make breakfast. I'm going to get in the shower." I said, getting out of bed. I looked back over to see my wonderful wife get out of bed and grab some clothes, she slipped out of her night clothes and slipped into her day clothes, she came over and gave me a kiss before walking out of the bedroom.

I got into the shower, when I finished I got dressed. I walked past the twins bedroom, their door was opened which is weird because they never sleep with their door open, I peeked into their room and found Jacob in Livie's bed holding her.

"What the hell is this?" I said loudly, walking into their room. Livie and Jacob sat up straight with fear in their eyes as they looked at me.

"Daddy, please don't do this." Livie said with tears starting to form.

"What the hell is this?" I asked, both Jacob and Livie stayed silent. "Olivia Joy Hotchner." I warned. "You, get off of my daughter." I said to Jacob, he scurried out of bed and fell on the ground, once he got up he stood about five feet from her.

"Aaron?" I turned my head to see Emily standing behind me. "What's going on? Why were you yeling?"

"Can we talk?" I asked her, when she nodded I glared at Jacob.

"Sure, hey you two get ready, then get to school." Emily said to them, Jacob ran past me into the guest bedroom where we allow him to keep some clothes for when he stays over.

"Emily, I found them in bed together, he was holding her like I do to you." She took a deep breath.

"Let's just talk to them after school, He's going to be here for five more days. Okay Aaron?" I looked at her with a Hotch face. "Aaron, we'll figure this out, okay?"

"Fine. I just want to protect my baby girls."

"I know you do." She said, wrapping her arms around my torso.

Liv's POV

"We need to be more careful." I said to Jacob as we got into his car that was parked in front of mine.

"Yeah," I put my head down and I guess he seen that because he lifted my head up so that our eyes meet, "everything is going to be okay." he reaches for my hand as he pulled out of the driveway. When we got to school I got out of the car and grabbed my backpack, I went over to to Jacob's side and grabbed his hand, before we went anywhere I leaned up to kiss him.

"I love you."

"Love you too." He said before leaning down to kiss me again.


Jenny's POV

"Mom, Dad. I'm home!" I yelled through the house.

"Where were you last night?" Dad asked when I set my bag down on the floor.

"I told you. I was at Katies." I said. Dad sat down next to Mom on the couch. "What's going on? Mom why is Dad so fidgety?"

"Nothing, go do your homework."

"Mom, I'm practically an adult. Please tell me."

"Fine, it's something having to do with Liv."

"And Jacob." I whispered to myself.

"What was that?" Dad asked me.

"Nothing." I picked up my bag and ran to my room, grabbing my phone from my back pocket I dialed my sister's number.

"Hey." She laughed into the phone.

"Where are you?"

"I'm still at school, book club."

"Dad's not happy with you." I said, Jacob laughed at something through the phone.

"Trust me, I know." 

"What did you do?"

"Jacob and I were watching a movie last night and I guess we fell asleep together, anyway that's how dad found us this morning." She said.

"Oh. Yeah you're in big trouble." I said.

"You got that right." We both laughed.

"You should get back here, he's going to blow up if you aren't." I said.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes."" She said before hanging up. I threw my phone onto my bed, flopping down with it. That failed and I bounced off my bed and fell onto the floor.

"Ouch! Damnit!" I yelled. About a minute later mom and dad burst through the door.

"Is everything okay?" Mom asked as she came over to help me up.

"I'm fine, I just fell off my bed." I laughed as I got pulled up.

"Ok, do you know when Liv's going to be home?" Dad asked me.

"She should be here anytime now." At that moment Liv walked into our room and put her bag on her bed.

A phone started ringing, Dad answered his phone.

"Yeah, we'll be right there." He hung up, "there's a case." Mom just sighed.

"We'll be talking to you when we get back." She said to Liv.

"How long are you going to be gone?" I asked.

"We don't know. We have to go." She said. "We love you, that care of each other."

"We love you too. Stay safe." I said giving Mom a hug as Liv gave Dad a hug. We switched then they left.

"When's Jacob going to be here?" I asked when they drove off.

"Ten minutes from now." she said looking out the window.

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