"You learn to get used to it." Mikhail says as he helps me retain my balance.

"I don't mind." He gave me a sarcastic look, so I explained. "Sometimes I wish I could join, but I'd probably break something." I point to Nik and Lucius and then to the ground. "Exhibit A." Mikhail smiled, but it looked a bit sad, so I playfully punched him in the arm. I didn't mean to make it sound pathetic or anything. His eyebrows furrowed and I sighed. "There's no need to look so sad, Mik." My eyes widened. The name was out before I could stop it and everything seemed to stop. Lucius and Nik were no longer screaming but instead staring at us and Max on my other side grabbed my shoulder. It didn't hurt, but I know it was meant as a warning, so I quickly apologized. "I'm so sorry. I didn't-" Mikhail cut me off before I could finish.

"It's ok. I prefer to be called Mikhail, but I'll allow you to call me Mik." A small smile crossed my lips as everyone else's mouths fell open. Mikhail looked them all in the eye before continuing. "She is the only one I will allow to take liberties with my name."

"Is it because she's a girl?" Lucius wacked Nik over the back of the head and this time I held nothing back. I started laughing and was gasping before I could even start to control myself, which only made everyone else join in.

"What's so funny?" We all turned to see Jess walk up and grab Max's hand. I have never seen him blush in my life, but Jess looks pretty proud of herself. She isn't usually into younger guys, but Max is such a sweetheart. He's what she needs right now. After her last crazy relationship this is the best thing that could have happened

to her. Actually, it's the best thing that could have happened to us both. We always seem to be in sync. We will have bad days practically on the same day, we have relationships at the same time, plus they will be bad together. It's why we are so close. Best friends will most likely live past our husbands so we must find good ones otherwise we are screwed. She's also the only one to agree with that statement.

When no one answers she turns to Max and whispers something in his ear. She's probably hungry, which she always is, so she and Max say their good-byes and walk away.

I watch after then with a huge smile on my face when I get the sense that I am being watched. I turn around and see all 3 of them, Mik, Lucius, and Nik arms crossed staring at me with their eyebrows raised and smirks on their face.

"What?" They all look at each other and start laughing as if my question was hilarious. I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at them. I turn around and start walking towards a table when I lifted off the ground and thrown over someone's shoulder. The wind was knocked right out of me, but I couldn't help but laugh. I put my hands on his back and pushed up to see the three of them still staring at me as the 4 of us all registered that some random guy picked me up.

"Put me down. I don't know who you are, but put me down now."

"Oh you know who I am," he said as I felt his hand run up my thigh towards my ass. I started to squirm and I raised my voice gaining more unwanted attention.

"Let me go now." With everyone staring, he stopped and the next thing I know I am flying off his back. He let go of my legs and practically threw me over his shoulder. I landed on the ground with a crack. My eyes widened and when I looked down my bone was sticking out of my forearm. I immediately brought it to my chest as Nik and Mikhail ran past me and blocked me from Brad's point of view. One of the many jerks I dated. Lucius lifted me off the ground and started walking towards the car. I

looked over Lucius's shoulder to see Mikhail and Nik still glaring at Brad. It looked like they were saying something to him, because he immediately went rigid and walked away.

"I'm so sorry." I looked up at Lucius. He was looking at me with anger and pain clear in his eyes. I lifted my right hand up and clasped his cheek.

"It's ok. If you had used your wolf like speed everyone would know you were different plus as weird as this is" I looked down at my bleeding arm "I've never had a battle wound before." His lips lifted a little before resuming their previous state.

"How are you not crying?"

"You think because I'm a girl I cry and pass out at the sight of blood?"

"No...I..." I laughed before he could go any further.

"In all honesty, I have been through worse." He looked at me confused, but I just shrugged at looked away as he reached the car and slid me into the front seat. He pulled out of the spot as Nik and Mik ran up and slid into the backseat.

"You ok?" I looked back at the two of them and smiled.

"Never been better." They looked at each other than to Lucius in the rearview mirror and he shrugged. I guess my flat tone wasn't a good convincer. Truth was I had gone through worse. My brother abused me, my uncle hasn't been much better and yet I'm still alive.

* * *

"Where has Tanner been?" Lucius stopped doing his homework and looked at me. I could tell he wanted to say something, but he immediately turned around and resumed writing. "What?" He didn't stop. I was getting so annoyed that I picked my pen up and threw it at him only before it connected with the back of his head he turned around and caught it glaring at me. "Answer me." This time it wasn't a question.

"Why do you want to know now?" My eyes narrowed at his harsh tone.

"He's my brother and I have no way of contacting him myself so I thought I'd ask you, but I can see that was a mistake. I'll just go ask someone else." I immediately stood up and started walking towards the door. I had just opened it a crack when Lucius slammed it back shut. I jumped but that didn't stop me from turning around and glaring up at him. "What is your problem?" He didn't answer. Only stared. "You know what; you're starting to piss me off. Either you answer me or let me go." My tone was harsher then I meant it because when I said go, he flinched. His head drooped down and his hand slid off the door. "Lucius that's not what I meant." He still didn't respond. "We have major communication issues." I stormed back over to the bed and sat down, some of my homework falling off. I lifted my hand and squeezed the bridge of my nose, eyes closed. I didn't know Lucius had moved until I heard the papers at my feet rustle. I opened my eyes just as he stood up and set the papers on the desk before walking back to the bed and sitting down next to me still saying nothing. I dropped my head into my hands. "Why won't you answer me?" It came out in a whisper, but I knew he heard me. Hell, they all probably heard me.

"Because." That one word brought all of my anger back and I bolted upright, for the first time startlingly him.

"Holy shit! Are you serious? You're not my father Lucius and you have no right to talk to me like I'm some insolent girl. Either act like my boyfriend or fuck off." His eyes widened but I didn't stick around to see how he would respond. Instead I stormed down the steps, past Spar and Mik in the TV. Room and out the front door.

I didn't want to say anything out loud because I knew they could all still hear me. I walked across the field until I entered the woods at where I once saw Tanner go. This is so stupid. Why does he have to treat me like I'm stupid? Does he not think I can handle the truth?

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