Chapter 6 Mark me

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This chapter not Edited but happy reading

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- Secreone 17

Evan P.O.V

Sometimes I am stupid. when I was kissing Erika I was on fire when the sparks went thought my body. Though I can say to my wolf that he is calmer about that she accepted us as mate, at least I am happy but I have to take it slow with her. Once my head hit the pillow I was in a dream but it did not looked like one instead I was with  my mother our God Freya.

‘’Hello my child’’ Freya said. I looked around us and there are trees surrounding us from small one to big ones. On the other side there is river flowing with frogs jumping in and out of the water. I looked at the sky and the moon is high and big enough to see for any creature in our world and sky is clear enough to see the shines bright start that are smiling at us. You even can see stars that are forming shapes in the sky. After looking at the beautiful black sky I looked at Freya before answering. 

‘’Hello Freya’’ I said.

‘’You are wondering why I am meting with you, am I correct Evan?’’

‘’ Yes’’

‘’ Well I don’t have much time, because I need to talk to my daughter and her the true’’ Freya said

‘’You mean Erika’’ I asked a bit not sure

‘’ Yes I will tell her about the prophesy so you won’t have to’’

‘’Do you think she is ready?’’

‘’Yes , she is my daughter after all, and Evan what ever decision she make in the future  just tell her you always be there for her no matter what.’’

‘’Ok’’ I said

‘’I have to go now, bye Evan’’

‘’Bye Freya’’ I said and the dream faded away with her in it.

I woke up and looked at my clock near my bedside table. It read 5 am on the dot. Great I will never go a sleep now because I am wide awake. Looking around my room and thinking what to do. You could say my room is a typical teenagers room. The walls are blue in a middle of a room is a king size bed, and ether side of bed there is small bedside tables with lamps on them. Just above the bed is a  large window facing forest and the back yard there we do training. On the other side of the bedroom there are two doors, first one leading to my walk in closet and second is the bathroom. In my pack there are 150 werewolves, I got position as an alpha two years ago because my dad died when he was saving mum while they there on a dinner date. He was killed my rogue who wanted power but  as soon my mom spotted a rogue she was thinking it would be good idea just to ask for my help. And It was good idea for me to be near if anything happens. And it was. Rogue killed my father and before the alpha’s powers would be transported to a rogue I killed him instantly which made me the alpha of this pack in just a moment. That day replied in my mind so many times, I even dreamed about it. But as I meat Erika they suddenly stopped. I think now you are guessing what happened to my mum. Well after my father died she went into depression not coming out of her room, not eating properly. But a lot of convincing she started eating again and just two weeks after she passed away. Doctors said she had cancer and she only had one day remaining of living, but we did not new about it and she passed away and we just find out one’s she was not living. I still miss them, but I can’t help them if our faith is soo cruel to take people away from earth. Before over thinking I went downstairs and straight through the door that lead to the back yard and shifting in to my wolf.

Running always helps me think about what to do in a tuff situations or when I want just to be free from my life just a moment. Running is like a relief to just give control to your wolf and run without being worried if something might happened.

The Only Choice To Stay Alive Is Run (on hold) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now