The Store

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      "Come on Dad!" Lily called for her father. They heard the man run down the stairs to join his boyfriend and daughter. They all went to get into the car, Sebastian makes sure Lily was strapped in. They drove over talking a bit to the grocery store.

"So Seb, how healthy were you eating while I was gone?" Joseph asked out of the blue. Sebastian made a look of guilt. "Sebastian." Joseph's voice warned him.

"Maybe, I wasn't the healthiest. And maybe it was a lot of alcohol, and fast food." Sebastian felt Joseph's judgement on him. "I do know how to cook, you would know." They heard Lily laugh lightly in the back.

"Alright, then we'll try to eat better." Joseph decided, as the car came into the parking lot of the grocery store. He stepped out and closed the door behind him. Sebastian rolled his eyes playfully, getting more laughs from Lily. When they entered the store Joseph had a list and a mission. Lily and Sebastian were just along for the ride. It was a little uncomfortable for them, Texas allowed people to carry guns around. Sebastian just had Lily stay a little closer to him. In all honesty, it was one of the main reasons Sebastian moved from his hometown. The cart was filled with multiple different foods, and cat food.

"Hey Jojo." Sebastian wrapped his arms around his waist, giving the small man a kiss on his cheek. He laid his head against his arm. "You know I love you right." Joseph chuckled, and kissed the man on his lips.

"I love you too Seb." Joseph said lovingly. "Alright, what do you want?" Joseph asked, knowing.

"What!? I can't I just say I love you. I don't want anything." Joseph gave Sebastian a knowing look. "Fine, I just want some ice cream. Lily wants some too, right sweetie." Joseph turned to see them both with puppy dog eyes looking at him.

"Come on Joseph. Please..." Lily begged quietly. Joseph sighed loudly.

"Alright, fine." He saw both of them jump in excitement. Joseph shook his head, but smiled at them.

When they got the cashier, he lightens up at the sight of Sebastian.

"Yo Sebastian! It's Mitch from the football team." Sebastian's eyes popped wide open.

"Oh my fucking god, Mitch!?" Joseph quickly covered Lily's ears.

"What are you doing back in town!?" Mitch asked, he began to scan the items.

"Oh I moved back into my childhood home with my daughter and my boyfriend." He brought Joseph's hand to his mouth and gave it a quick kiss. Getting a blush from the smaller man.

"This little girl looks just like you Sebastian." Mitch laughed loudly, seeming to ignore Joseph's presence. He placed their bags and the cart, just when Sebastian was about to say goodbye. "You know, they still do the fall festival. You should come catch up with everyone." Sebastian looked to Joseph, his face screamed wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"We'll think about, good to see you Mitch." Sebastian called as they began to leave.

"You too Sebastian." Mitch yelled back, as they finally made it through the doors and made it to their car. Joseph was quiet for most of the night. When they finally climbed into bed, Sebastian asked.

"What's wrong Jojo? You know you can tell me." Sebastian held the other tightly in his arms.

"I'm just a little worried what people are going to think of us." Joseph admitted. Sebastian kissed his forehead, getting a deep blush from the smaller man.

"Their going to think i'm the luckiest man alive, because I have a boyfriend as beautiful as you." Joseph's blush only got a deeper red. "I love you Jojo."

"I love you too Seb." they held each other tightly as they fell asleep. 

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