Chapter 4: The Kiss

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Your P.O.V.

You woke up the next morning and went into the kitchen to get some bowls and spoons for cereal. You walked back to your room and poured cereal and then milk! Into your bowl. You put some cereal in a bowl for Maka who happened to just start waking up. "Hey." She says with a tired voice. "Hey!" You say. "I made us some cereal." You say and hand the bowl to Maka. She nods a thank you. After you both finish eating you start getting dressed and ready for the day. You head to the DWMA. Once you walk inside Black Star and Tsubaki greet you. "I heard you guys got your first soul last night." Tsubaki Said. "Yeah we did." Maka says proudly. "Good job guys!" Tsubaki says. "Yeah good job but don't forget that I'm the amazing Black Star!" He shouts. You roll your eyes and giggle. You three walk to class and sit down. "Ok kids we are gonna test out everyone's fighting abilities outside. Everyone's names will go in a hat. I will pick the names out to see who you will have to fight. Now remember we don't want anything bad happening to anyone. So don't go to the full length of killing them. Try not knocking them out either but if they have a tiny scratch that should be ok. Now Meisters I want you to write your name and the name of your partner on this slip of paper and then once you do that, put it in this hat and go outside." Stein says. You and Maka walk outside to get ready to fight. After everyone else comes outside and fight, you and Maka have to fight against some girl named Mary who had blonde hair and a black dress with some cute black boots and her meister Riku who had red hair with blue tips. He was wearing some dark jeans and a white shirt with a leather jacket over it and some converse. You and Mary transform into your weapon form to fight each other. You win the fight but when you transform back to human you accidentally fall onto Maka and your lips touch hers. You get up quickly and blush. Maka was bright red. You hear so hoots and hollers from the boys and some whispers between the girls. Maka looked really embarrassed so she ran away from the group and you run after her. "Maka Wait!" You shout. All of the sudden the intercom comes on, "Will Maka Albarn and
Y/N L/N please report to the death room?" You head to the death room and walk in. Somehow Maka had already beaten you there. "So I was watching the fight and I saw that two kissed at the end. Now there is nothing wrong with two girls kissing but you just can't do that during school. We do have a rule about-" Lord Death Said but Maka cut him off. "We didn't mean to kiss! It was an accident! I don't even like her in that way!" She shouted. "Your don't? So you didn't like it?" You asked a little hurt by what she said cause you enjoyed the kiss. "Well I mean I never said I didn't like it...." she says blushing a bit. "Girls! Your getting off topic. I'm letting you off with a warning but don't let it happen again." Lord Death says. "Yes sir. We're sorry and we promise it won't happen again." You say. "Alright you two are dismissed." He says. You two both leave embarrassed. "Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall on top of you." You say to Maka. "It's ok I sorta enjoyed the kiss actually." Maka admitted. "You did?" You ask blushing. She nods. "I'm just gonna go home see ya..." she says. "But we have two more hours of-" she had already started walking away. You walked in to class and some guys clapped and you were embarrassed. You just sat down at your chair and tried to pay attention but your mind keeps going back to what happened. Somebody whispered behind you. "She only kissed her to get attention. What a hoe!" The girl whispered. the girl sitting next to her agreed. You turn around and slap the girl who said it. "No I didn't! It was an accident!" You shouted. "Y/N! Please pay attention and don't hit your classmates!" Stein shouted. "Yes sir..." you say and turn around. You still couldn't pay attention.

*Time skip to after class brought to you by an exorcist*

You were about to walk out when Stein called your name. "Y/N we need to talk about you hitting a student." Stein says with a bit of disappointment in his voice. "Why? She was being rude! She deserved it!" You say. "I understand that you might be mad but you can't just hit people because of that." He says. "But She Said I only kissed her for attention! I didn't even mean to fucking do it!" You shout. "Do Not ever curse in my classroom!" He shouts. You became a bit embarrassed by your behavior. "Look I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to slap her I was just annoyed by what she said." You admit. "Ok I understand but tomorrow after school you have to clean this whole classroom and the nurse's office alone!" He Said. You roll you eyes "fine!" You say and leave. You walk home to find Maka sitting in her bed reading. "Hey..." you say. "Hi..." she says. You kinda just stare at the floor awkwardly with silence for five minutes. "Would you do it again..." you ask. "Yeah." She admits. She walks over to you and kisses you. "Your really pretty Y/N. I thought that since I met you but didn't think much of it but I guess it was more than just was a crush..." she says. "Well if you think I'm pretty would you be my girlfriend?" You ask. She nods and gives you a kiss on your cheek.

Did you like the chapter? I hope you did! It was fun to write and I'll try to keep writing more when I can. Have a good day!

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