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A poet's way of expressing a cliché: 

You could have been the Asiago to my rotini

A pre-dated reference, but innocent enough to claim

You were supposed to live up to the hype—

Maybe you didn't know, maybe you weren't informed

That you must be someone's dream come true

Even if you don't get to choose

The good professor hiding behind the curtain

It's an unsolvable equation, that which we don't agree upon

Mates in the same state as country, county, city

Call it a learning experience, all of these swirling things

There was nothing, nothing that could keep you out of my head

It took a turn back in time to force you to solve for x

oh y  was it so hard to see that variables were getting in the way?

A saboteur in our midst, ready to throw the numbers into the water

Mixing, swirling what it was that made us an us in the simplest of fractions

That's why I went back to cooking—it was a better metaphor for us both.

We could let it all simmer, until the intrusion of bitter spices

Calmed the f--- down and left us to our own devices. 

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