The Chestnut Tree

39 9 11

Specially written for #Wattpadpoetry2018 #Septemberischanging


When first it opened its tiny leaves

and began drinking in the sun

George William Frederick was on the throne

 the nineteenth century just begun.

Those early days were in pasture spent

watching poor men at their toil

seeing the brittle gold of harvest home

and the tilling of the soil.

Years sped by upon seasons wings

and the Chestnut tree waxed strong

the worst of winter's blasts it bore

awaiting the cuckoo's song.

Handsome tall and proud it stood

a landmark all men knew

his dwellings all about he built

where the grand old Chestnut grew.

Many long years of strife it saw

witnessing men march off to war

some it saw come home again

and some it saw no more.

Throughout the 1919 spring 

after the war to end all wars

at last the village school was built

and opened wide its doors.

Generations skipped down the years

and through the old school gate

the Chestnut watched them all go by

the lowly and the great.

Father, son and brother too

Mothers and daughters many

laughed beneath the Chestnut tree

playing pitch and toss the penny.

Children ran and children left

taught by many a goodly teacher

blacksmiths and nurses some became

one became a preacher.

All loved the mighty Chestnut tree

its blossom candles in spring

its shade throughout the summers heat

its autumn fruits for conkering.

Lo, now the century nears its end

the school of sudden is silent

the loudness of the emptiness

is cruel, sharp and violent.

The Chestnut tree alone there stands

guarding an empty vault

and occasionally a passer-by 

will take the time to halt.

To halt and ponder a little while

upon what the old tree's seen

for two hundred years or more

'tas stood by the village green.

A tale of life lies in its rings

of families hopes and fears

of coming and going and changes rung 

down the centuries of years.

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