The two had been sitting there for 15 minutes, silently waiting for their friends to arrive, but strangely, there was still no sign of them. Though Jungkook was fairly content considering the circumstances, Minnie was quite the opposite. She had been patient for the most part, but that patience hadn't taken long to run out-- the teen becoming even more fidgety and restless than she usually was.


Minnie groaned and dropped her hands to her sides. "Ugh...this is bullshit. What the hell is taking them so long?? Do you think they're having an orgy back in that abandoned cabin we passed or something??"

Jungkook, who had been lost in his thoughts, opened his eyes and lazily looked over. "Relax, hasn't even been that long."

"You know I'm impatient." She hopped up onto her feet. "And besides...who knows how long they've been gone before we got here. They probably ditched us."

"There's no way they would leave without putting out the fire first. Not after last time."

"That's true." Minnie snickered. "You went full on Smokey Bear on their asses. But, you know...if Smokey Bear had rabies."

Jungkook and Minnie pointed at each other and raised their eyebrows. "Only you can prevent wildfires." They said in unison.

The two chuckle and then Minnie lets out a sigh, crosses her arms. "Well...maybe we should just leave. We're just wasting our time here."

"Let's give them a few more minutes. We can eat while we wait." He lifted his mug of soup.

"Yeah, fuck it. I'm starving. Yeri is just gonna have to wait for another time to try dad's soup." She plopped down onto her butt.

"Oh well, more for us." Jungkook says and the two pop off the mug lids.

...( short time skip)...

As the teens were slurping up their soup, Minnie stopped for a moment and wiped her red, broth-stained mouth, looks over at Jungkook.


Jungkook looked over at her as he was blowing off the soup in the spoon. "Hmm?"

She went quiet for a moment and lowered her bowl down. "...I know you told me not to ask about it's been bothering me all day...and I can't help but to wonder what happened last night after I left. Your uncle looked really angry.."

Jungkook, who's lips were puckered out, softened his face and lowered the spoon back down into the bowl. "It's not really that big of a deal...people fight. And besides, he got over it eventually." He shrugged his shoulders.

" looked so scared, Kookie...I've never seen you like that before.." She frowned.

"It was just the stress of it know, heat of the moment kind of thing. I'm fine now, so don't worry about it, ok?" He gave a smile.

She sniffled. "I love you so much, though. And it broke my heart to see you that upset." She put her soup down and wrapped her arms around his, squeezing it tightly.

Jungkook put his soup down too and used his free hand to ruffle her hair. "Ah, Minnieee. I know. But you don't have to worry about me. I promise."

She gently lifted his hand to look over his wrists to make sure their wasn't any bruises on them. When she seen that their wasn't, she took her thumb and ran it along his soft skin--feeling a slight sense of relief. "If I hadn't had been so high, I would have hurled a a fucking lamp straight at his head for touching you. Or better yet, I would have shoved it so far up his ass that, whenever he opened his mouth, he would become a human flashlight."

-SINISTER | vkook (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now