I redo my makeup and hair

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I redo my makeup and hair.


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     I walk out of my room and wait on Christina

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I walk out of my room and wait on Christina. She finishes and I get my tesla key and phone then extra outfit and we leave. We walk to the car and get in putting our clothes in the back. I start the car and we drive off.
We pull into the driveway and get out. I grab my outfit and put it in my small black bookbag. I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket and walk in. "Honey I'm home!" Christina yells. I giggle and walk to the kitchen. I see Jack and i walk over beside him and lean up against the counter.
He was looking at his phone. I kiss his cheek so he knows I am there. He looks at me. "Hey baby" he says. I smile. "Hey" I say. He pecks me on the lils then I walk over to the stove. "You hungry?" I ask. "Yea but do you want to go out and eat with my family?" He asks. "Oh yea sure!" I say. He smiles. "Ok" he wraps his hands around my waist hugging me.
I wrap my arms around his neck hugging him back. He starts leta go and his hands still on my waiat the he pecks my lips. I giggle and smile at him. I put my hands on the back of his head and start kissing him. I feel him start kissing back. I giggle and start walking slightly not disconnecting our lips.
I get pushed up in a corner and Jack grabs my hands holding me with him. "Jack?" A small voice says. He lets go and look over and I see his little sister. I lay my head on his chest and he laughs. "Yes Isla" he says laughing. "Mommy wants you" she says. "Ok just a second" he says. She runs off and I laugh and peck his lips. "I'm going to put my things upstairs" I say. He nods his head. "Ok babe" he says.
I let go of his hands and walk off and he walks over to him mom. I walk up rhe stairs and to Jacks room. I lay my things down then walk to the bathroom. I make sure I look ok then walk out and see Jack. I run and jump on his back and he catches me. "Woah" he says. I giggle. He starts walking out of the room to the livingroom.
He trows me on the couch and starts tickling me. I was laughing super hard. I hear Jacks mom cough as if she wanted us to stop. Jack stops and looks at me. I sit up and look at hus mom and put out my hand. "Hi I am Ally nice to meet you." I say. She shakes my hand. "Hi I am Kristin nice to meet you." She says.
"Nice to meet you to" I say. She smiles and so do I. "You are a beautiful girl Jack is a very lucky man." She says. "Aw thank you" I say. "My mom never thought that" I say. "I don't think she even ever said she loved me.." I say. She looks down at her hands. "Where do your parents work?" She asks. "My mom is a truck driver and my dad died 6 years ago." I say. She looks at me. "I am very sorry for your loss." She says.
My eyes get teary and Jack lays his head on my shoulder. "You had an amazing son." I say. "I aure did" she says. Jack smiles and I kiss his forehead. "Were are we eating I am hungry!" Ihis sister yells walking in. "Oh sorry..." She says. I giggle and she smiles. "Whats your name?" I ask. "Isla" she says. "Well I am Ally" I say. She smiles. Jacks giggles.
"Your guys are gross" she says. Me and Jack laughs. "You wanna see gross" he asks. "I don't know..." She says. Jack lifts his head up and pecka my lips. He starts kissing me. "Ewww!" She yells. I let go. "What are you doing I was enjoying that" he whines.
I roll my eyes and stand up. He pulls my arm and pulls me into his lap. "Were are we eating we can come up with ideas why they have there moment" Kristen says. I giggle. "We have time for a momment?" Jack asks. "Yep" she says. Jack starts kissing me and I kiss back then let go. "Stop it Jack your mom is right here" I say.
He smiles and pecks my lips. I start laughing. "What?" He asks. I use my thumb and wipe off his lips. "You had lip gloss on your lips" I tell him. He smiles. "Jack come on I am hungry!" Isla says. He lsughs and I stand up. Jack smacks my butt. "Jack Roberts Avery!" His mom yells.
He starts laughing. I push his shoulder pushing him onto the couch. "That hurt!" I yell at him. He just lays there laughing. I look at him and smile. "Ugh! Your to freaking cute to be mad at I hate it!" I say he looks at me and smiles. "I love you!" He says with a cute smile. "I love you more!" I say then walk off. He giggles.
We decided on a restraunt and all of us and the rest of the boys went. We get there and I sit between Jack and the wall. Jack was beside Isla and his mom and the boys were on the otherside and Xhristina at the end with Corbyn. I lay my head on Jacks shoulder and he kisses my forehead.
"Whats wrong baby?" He asks. "I'm just tired" I say. "Oh well we can go home after this" he says. "It's ok I don't want to rush anyone home" I say. "Your not I'm tired to" he says. "I love you Jack" I say looking up at him. "I love you to" he says. I smile and peck his lips. I lay my head back on his shoulder.
"Hello my name is Bella I will be your waitress today how may I help you today?" She asks. I raise my head up. "I want a sweet tea please" I say. "Yes ma'am and you sir" she says. "Water no lemon" ge says. "Ok sir and I like your hair you ma'am" she says. "Thank you" Jack says. "She wants a sweet tea and I want a water" Kristin says. Everyone else says and I just lay my head back on Jacks shoulder.
We all eat then I get on my phone cause I didn't feel good. We all go back home and go to bed I lay down with Jack. "I love you" he says messing with my hair. "I love you Jack Avery... I really do"

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