First Day

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             Sun peaking it's rays into the curtains awakening Ariel from her sleep she had been exhausted and tired and realized she slept through the morning hours since it appears to be noontime she threw the covers back and she went to getting up she swooshed her clothes to look presentable she grabbed her cloak as she didn't fully trust her surroundings after all it took less than a week for Lord Valentin to find her at the last village she couldn't risk it here. She took her keys and locked the door behind her she came to the landing to see there were few people in the tavern probably for the lunch special she walked down the stairs and she greeted the barkeep Ben he said "Well Miss Ariel, I'm glad you're still here?" she said "Yeah I overslept" he said "Nonsense you deserved it, last night you looked quite tired" she said "Yeah, I had been riding nonstop for days no sleep" he said "How come?" trying to seem interested given how beautiful she is she said "Let's just say, I'm running from someone and he seems to find me and I bolt once again" he said "Well Miss Ariel, you can find the people of this village they help each other and you can be safe here" she developed a small smile she said "I hope so, because I'm tired of running" he said "Well, you should know this village has it's treasures among other things perhaps you can find something here" she said "Maybe, I hope it was okay that I put my horse in the stables?" he said "Your horse will be taken care of I assure you, I assume the white one?" she said "Chance" he said "Unusual name" she said "It was by chance that I saved him from a hunter's trap his leg was caught in" he said "Well, then much deserved" she said "Perhaps I'll go and see how he fared overnight" he said "Have a good time then Miss Ariel" she walked out. She headed to the stables where she saw Chance he was eating hay she went to brushing him with her hand she said "How did you sleep Chance? Was it to your liking? Beats the woods and everything else?" he pawed the ground as a response she said "Yeah, I overslept because the bed was so soft I didn't want to get out of it maybe this village will protect us from Him besides he'll be going around in circles trying to find the right tracks and by then he might as well give up the hunt" LeFou saw her with the white horse he went carrying the saddle from cleaning in back into the stables he said "So you're the white horse's owner?" she turned to see a short chubby man she said "Yes I am and you are?" he said "I'm LeFou and you mademoiselle?" she said "Ariel, just Ariel" he said "Miss Ariel, I never seen you before are you new?" she said "Came in last night" he said "Perhaps I can give you tour of the village if you don't mind?" she said "My schedule is free" he said "Good, let me hang this saddle up and we'll get started". 

               LeFou showed Ariel around the shops she saw the flowers they were quite something then was taken to Pere Roberts the village chaplain and the only one who has a library but not enough books she followed LeFou about he said "This concludes our tour, where are you staying?" she said "In the inn at the tavern" he said "That's good" then he saw a tall figure coming toward them and then he heard him say "LEFOU!" she saw LeFou's face turn bright red she felt heavy breathing down the back of her neck she turned and ran into his chest she pushed back and looked up seeing a tall muscular man with a chiseled chin in a red coat with gold buttons and his raven hair tied up in a ponytail it was the same man from last night she saw in the chair looking at the fireplace he looked down to see her there she stood aside he said "LeFou there you are I was waiting in the tavern for you but it seems you're too busy with a girl to remember?" he said "I was giving her a tour of the village Gaston" he said "Well are you still?" LeFou stuttering with the right word Ariel didn't like how this man was belittling LeFou so she interjected she said "We just finished, besides it didn't look like it hurt you to wait?" she smirked at him Gaston saw she sassed him right there he said "Who do you think you are?" she said "Obviously I'm no one besides if I was someone I wouldn't be seen with you, thank you LeFou for the tour I appreciate it enjoy your afternoon" as she pushed aside past Gaston smirking she walked off toward the tavern Gaston watched the way she walked she seemed intriguing then he turned back to his friend he said "LeFou?" he said "Gaston, why do you have go and do that for" he said "What? She started it" he said "Yeah, well good luck trying to charm her she despises you so much for a good impression" he said "LeFou shut up". Ariel in her room she was writing down in her journal that she had of all the places she went to hide from Lord Valentin and remarking how the people were willing to protect her but it didn't matter he was able to sway them away and she had run once again all because he craved power and saw her as the means of said power she wrote about the villager of Villenueve meeting barkeep Ben, LeFou and Gaston she wrote in length about him she could tell something was off about him that under his macho personality that he sorrow and hurt in him she figured she was reading too much into to it she heard her stomach growl she figured she should go down and get something to eat she put the journal in a drawer and walked down to the tavern. 

                  She felt several eyes on her including Gaston as he sat in his chair by the fireplace surrounded by three identical women she figured sisters she greeted barkeep Ben he said "Miss Ariel, what can I get you?" she said "I'm little hungry" he said "I'll get you something" he brought something back a plate full of food she said "Do you have water?" he poured her a glass she went to eating there at the counter when she was greeted by LeFou he said "Miss Ariel?" she stopped and turned to see him she said "Hello LeFou" he said "I must apologize for Gaston's behavior he's not always like that but once you get to know him then you can see for yourself" she said "Who are trying to convince, me or you?" he was tongue-tied with her statement she said "You don't have to apologize for his actions only he has too" he said "Well that's.." he stopped when she realized Gaston was behind her she felt his breathing again down her neck she said "Ben, I think I lost my appetite" he saw her face as she was little irritated at the moment she got up from her chair to running into Gaston's chest once again she pushed back and walked away she headed up the stairs in a hurry. She was in her room writing in her journal when she heard a knock on the door she put the journal in the drawer she went and opened the door to seeing Gaston she thought he was quite persistent she said "Can I help you?" he said "I want to apologize for my rudeness to you earlier, I was out of line I hope you can accept it miss.." she said "Ariel, I admit I wasn't fair to you as well" he said "Let me make it up to you with a nighttime ride?" he figured she would say no she saw the sky it wasn't quite dark yet she said "Sure, let me get my cloak" he said "You would?" she said "It wouldn't hurt would it?" he said "I'll meet you at the stables" she said "See you there" she shut the door she went and put her cloak on she locked the door and went to greeting Gaston at the stable he had his horse saddled up and saw her there she was breath-taking he said "Allow me?" he helped her up on his horse and climbed up in front of her he said "Better hang on my horse tends to go fast" she put her arms around his waist a smile came to his face the idea of a woman holding his waist brought him amusement and he took off riding. They came into the woods she said "What are your intentions Gaston with this ride?" he said "You think I have ulterior motives I'm appalled you would think that" she couldn't help it because given her beauty all men tried their best to woo her to no avail and she wondered if he was just the same. He got down off the horse and picked her up and set her down she saw him smirked when he did that something about her he couldn't quite get hold of she was different than Belle at times then she would behave just like her all this from their first meeting she said "What now?" he said "Have you ever shot an arrow before?" she said "No" he said "Your lucky day, I'll show you". She watched him take the bow and his quiver she saw him mark a spot on a tree as a target he went and shot an arrow she saw it was perfect shot he said "Now your turn" he handed her the bow and positioned it in her hands he placed the arrow up against the bow making her adjust her placement of her feet she felt his arms around her the sensation was something else she was distracted by it he told to shoot so she did but missed hitting the ground he said "Again" she got in the position once again she was feeling his arms around her again he said "Think of what you're fighting for and shoot" she thought about it she shot and it was right under his arrow she was surprised he said "Who were you fighting for?" she said "Myself". He took her back to the tavern she walked with him to her door she unlocked it she opened it she said "I had a great time Gaston" he said "I hope it was bearable" she said "Well, it was quite something" he said "Perhaps you could join me on my hunting trip then?" she said "I think not" he said "Why?" she said "I can't kill an animal so sorry" he said "Fine, I'll see you tomorrow then" as he went off down the hall she went inside shutting the door she felt knots in her stomach she didn't know this feeling or what it means but she knew that it was Gaston who made her feel it she took off her cloak she climbed into the bed but she couldn't sleep she kept thinking about Gaston his muscular figure and his chiseled chin he was a Prince Adonis maybe this village could be the start of something new for her.

 He took her back to the tavern she walked with him to her door she unlocked it she opened it she said "I had a great time Gaston" he said "I hope it was bearable" she said "Well, it was quite something" he said "Perhaps you could join me on my hu...

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