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Tucker is sitting at his desk in his office on the ship and Jennifer walks in, Tucker looks up at her from his desk. " Madam President, how are you?"  " I'm fine. Ever since you've gotten out of sickbay two months ago we barely see each other."  " I've been trying to catch up on the last two years, I'd organized a military department of which doesn't really have equipment other than what we'd brought from Earth."  " Well, some of the colonists are going off to form their own colonies."  " I know and pretty soon they will form nations of their own, and before we know it Eden will be like Earth."  Jennifer walks slowly to Tucker and starts to give him a shoulder massage, Tucker leans his head back and closes his eyes, Jennifer looks down at Tucker and smiles, after an hour of massaging  Tucker, her hands start to cramp up and she stops, Tucker opens his eyes to look up at Jennifer. " Ah, why did you stop for? That was feeling so good." " Sorry, my hands were starting to cramp."  Tucker sits up straight in his chair while Jennifer sits on his desk in front of him."  Jennifer, I have to say, being President fits you."  They both chuckle, Jennifer moves slowly toward Tucker and softly kisses him on his lips, Tucker returns the soft kiss while placing his hands on each side of her face, Tucker very slowly stands up while laying Jennifer down on top of the desk, Jennifer starts to unbutton her green blouse, Tucker starts to climb on top of her when the door buzzer sounds, they both jump to their feet and straighten and fix up their attire, then Tucker sits at his desk while Jennifer sits in one of the two chairs in front of the desk. " Come in." The door opens and in walks, Joyce wearing her USA uniform, the door closes back and Joyce sees Jennifer.  " Hi, Madam President." Jennifer looks at Joyce and nods her head and smiles, Joyce gets to Tucker's desk. " What is it, Joyce?" " Well, Mister Secretary I've come to give you a report on what has been happening." " Joyce you could had done that on my wrist communicator or sent me an e-mail." " No sir I couldn't because of all ship communications are down for a moment, so Elaine can work on them." " Oh, ok fine, report." " All ship communications are down for the moment at least for four hours, the chief engineer reports that all ship systems except communications are fully operational, and all USA personnel who are still in the service is accounted for."  Tucker looks at Jennifer and then back to Joyce and speaks. " Are you telling me that Ohio can get off  Eden and go back to space?" Joyce sees Jennifer looking over at her and then Joyce looks back at Tucker.  " Yes sir, we can launch the ship into space."  Jennifer looks at Tucker and then back at Joyce and speaks. " Tatto never said anything about this to me, without any fuel resources, how is this possible?" Joyce looks at Jennifer.  " The Commander has been working with the chief science officer to come up with a solution for our fuel problem, and they have one that works."  Jennifer stands up.  "Let's go see the chief engineer and science officer."  The other two stand up and they all leave the ready room.  After some time has passed the three arrive in engineering and sees Tatto and chief science officer Commander Debbie Brown standing at a computer console by a huge energy compartment looking at the computer, the three walk up to them, the two commanders sees them and looks at them, Tatto speaks. " Madam President, Mister Secretary, Lieutenant Commander."  Jennifer looks at Tatto. " Tatto is it true that you and Commander Brown here have made it possible for the Ohio to launch and fly outer space?"  Tatto looks at Jennifer. " Yes, Madam President we have."  Tatto looks at all three visitors.  " It took a long time but we've done it, the ship now runs off of what Commander Brown and I call Dino fuel, but on Earth, we call it oil, We just had to refine the oil before we could use it in the ship's engines and we did." Tucker looks at Debbie and speaks.  " So this ship will be running on refined oil?"  Debbie looks at the three visitors and smiles.  " Yes sir and a lot of it too, but not only the ship, the fighter crafts as well."  Tucker looks at Jennifer and then looks at Tatto. " Commanders that's pure genius, how long does the Dino fuel last?" Debbie speaks. " one full tank last for three months at normal speeds, and only one month at zoom speed." Tatto speaks. " That's still pretty dang good though."  Tucker nods in approvement at Tatto and Debbie, Tatto smiles at Jennifer, Tucker sees him smiling and sees Jennifer trying not to look at Tatto, instead Jennifer looks at Debbie and speaks. " Good job guys, keep up the good work."  Jennifer starts walking toward the door of engineering, Tucker watches Jennifer leave and then looks at Tatto, Debbie, and Joyce then speaks. " Yeah good job guys, Joyce keep me posted."  Before either of the three can reply or say anything, Tucker sprints to the engineering door and leaves.  After some time has passed Tucker finds Jennifer in her office, she's sitting at her desk and Tucker is sitting in a chair in front of her desk, Jennifer looks at him and speaks. " I should have known that's what he was doing all of this time, we never spend time as a family anymore let alone as a couple." " He's a man who loves his job Jennifer, which is probably how he became chief of engineering." Jennifer looks away from Tucker for a second and looks down at her desk. Tucker can see that something else is on her mind by the look on her face. " Jennifer, what is it that you're not telling me?" Jennifer looks back at Tucker. " I guess we're going to have to find a new captain to command the ship because we have to stay on Eden." " No, everyone can stay on the ship, we can always come back Jennifer." " No. Everyone must not go, what if the ship gets lost out there again or even destroyed?  The human race must go on Tucker." " Yes I agree, but to split families up, it's not good." Jennifer jumps to her feet in anger. " Nothing's good about our situation Tucker, not everyone's going, only USA personnel." Tucker stands up. " For how long are they gone for Madam President?" Jennifer calms down and then speaks softly. " Until they come in contact with USA or find Earth."  Tucker looks away from her for a second and then back at her. " When will the ship launch?" " Whenever you find a captain and a first officer." " Me. I'll be her captain, in fact I've always been her captain." " Tucker you're not a captain anymore." " I'll give this position up and make myself captain again."  Jennifer narrows her stare at Tucker and tries not to let her eyes fill up with tears.  " No, I need you here in my cabinet." " Jennifer an ensign can do this job, I was meant to be a captain and you know it."  Tears start to roll down her cheeks and she looks away from him, Tucker can tell she's crying because of her sniffling. Tucker walks around the desk and closes her in his arms, she rests her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed trying to stop the tears coming, Tucker speaks softly. " I'll be alright and so will the crew." Jennifer goes on sobbing on his shoulder, when she eventually stops sobbing she steps away from Tucker and smiles as Tucker stands there watching her undo her blouse, she speaks toward the office door. " Computer lock door." The office door locks and she continues to undress while smiling at Tucker, after she gets undress she slowly walks up to Tucker and starts to undress him while all the time smiling at him, Tucker feels his heart beating faster as Jennifer touches him between his legs on his sensitive area, she moves in and kisses him on his lips while playing with his sensitive area and can tell that he's very excited, Tucker kisses her back on her lips while rubbing her breast softly and feels her nipples get hard, after a moment of foreplay, they make their way over to the couch that's in the office, Tucker slowly lays Jennifer down on the couch and she spreads her leg out off the couch while looking at Tucker smiling, Jennifer starts to rub herself on her special spot, and as the heat between their bodies heat up more and their lust overtakes them, Tucker thrusts his self into her special spot slowly at first, after some time has passed Jennifer comes to a climax and moans loud as her body gushes out fluid between her legs, Tucker keeps thrusting in her for an hour more until he comes to a climax, they both moan loudly, and after they have full filled their lust and desire for each other, Tucker lays down on the couch while Jennifer lays on top of him with her head resting on his chest and her eyes closed, they both have big smiles on their face.  Hours slip away as both Jennifer and Tucker sleep, Tucker's wrist communicator beeps loudly waking them both up, and he answers it. " Tucker here." Joyce's voice sounds. " Communications are up and running sir, everything is green." " Roger that, is there anything else?" " No, sir." " Ok then, Tucker out." Tucker taps his communicator, Jennifer looks up at Tucker from his chest and smiles as he looks at her,  Jennifer gets off of Tucker and starts getting dress while still smiling, Tucker gets up and gets dress as well, after they get dressed they stand face to face, and Jennifer speaks softly. " I hope this wasn't just a one-time thing." " I hope not either. Jennifer, I still want to be the captain of the Ohio."  Jennifer looks down with a sad look on her face. " I know you do Tucker, I know." Tucker lifts Jennifer's head up and looks her in the eyes. " I love you, Jennifer, I always had."  He kisses her on the lips softly and then starts toward the office door, Jennifer turns toward him. " Tucker wait!" Tucker stops and turns around to look at her. " Computer unlock the door.  I love you too Tucker, I should say Captain Tucker Johnson."  They both smile, Tucker winks at her and then leaves the office, Jennifer goes and sits at her desk and looks over at the couch while leaning back in her chair, she smiles as she sits there looking at the couch. 

A  NEW  WORLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora