Quotes from songs i like

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This is for each hamilton character
Hamilton: YukinaSama I don't mean it!"And if I could KILL YOU I would but it's frowned apon in all 50 states"wolf in sheeps clothing set it off

Maria: pansrpunny "Depression is like a fur coat it's made of dead things but it keeps me warm"get well icon for hire

Angelica duh : @M-I-R-A-N-E-E "You wanna revolution I wanna revaluation(thats how it's spelt right"the schuyler sisters hamilton

John laurens: babywolf163 "hush boy now hush boy don't say a word put on a jersy and no one gets hurt" little game Benny
Theodosi -xSoul-Chanx- "Every girl is capable of murder, if you hurt her
Watch out you don't push me any further, any further
You're not the only one walking 'round with a loaded gun"this little girl

Lafayette 1-800-JohnLaurens "Oh, oh, oh
Oh, here we go
Walkin', talkin' like you know
I want your pretty little psycho"pretty little psycho

Eliza Levy_Garden : Uh hello, Senpai?
"Uh, hi
Hi, it's me!
Litsen, I wrote a song
Maybe you'd like to hear it?
Maybe later
Who is this by the way?
But Senpai, it's me, your kouhai!
Which one?
Senpai!"Notice me Senpai!! Nanda

Jefferson Lav_the_smol_bab : "me and the tv are enemy's!"I'll sleep when I'm dead

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