19. A week in Prison

Comenzar desde el principio

I rolled my eyes and put my hands up. "You found me out, I like to be an asshole and go into people's prison territories, then sass at them because they call me out. You have found out my whole life story, I am sorry it had to come out this way." 

The man grunted in annoyance at my response. Quickly, he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and got close to my face. "Don't think you are cool here just because you can say smooth words." 

"I would say the same for you, but then I remembered you are as smooth as a ragged mountain top." I could his eyes flare up with pure rage. Why do I keep trying to act cool here? I am going to die because of my pride. 

He pulled back one of his fists and readied himself to punch me. Swiftly, I blocked my face and waited for the punch that never came. When I peeked behind my arms, I saw Takaru holding the man's arm. 

"It would not be wise to punch a demon like her." She said and I saw her look at me with wide eyes. "She should not be here." My own eyes widened when I heard those words. Does she know about my reason for being here? 

 The man looked at her terrified and grim face back to mine. Guards had begun to notice the commotion that caused many other inmates to quiet down. They were prepared to attack given a moment's notice. The man holding me grunted as he tossed me back down to my seat. "A smart ass like you is not worth the punch." He said to me and Takaru let go of his arm. Skeptically, he eyed her as he began to walk away. "Just remember what choice you have made here." 

I took a deep breath of relief as the two walked away from me in different directions. Whatever she was talking about saved my ass. 

The rest of the day was lonely and uneventful, thankfully. However, the memories of just a few hours ago ran through my mind as I thought of the dear food I had missed out on. When the second meal came around, I made sure to eat it at a quick pace just in case there was a repeat from earlier. 

Day Five. 

The day passed within a blink of the eye. With a sudden change of heart, Takaru sat next to me again and followed me around. She gave me a simple apology for yesterday and sheepishly smiled. "Sometimes my mind is quiet odd." She lightly punched my arm in a friendly gesture.

It would have seemed perfectly okay and normal, had she not jumped as soon as she hit my arm. 

Something is off about her. I pondered in my mind as I skeptically watched her. I should be more careful, she is in prison for a reason. 

Day Six. 

When that day had come, I was eager to leave and to go home. It seemed a bit odd to me that I had gotten used to being in prison so easily, if it was what I needed to get by, then I am glad I did it. Team Seven went through my mind and I would sigh heavily when I thought of what missions they were on at the moment and wanted to stab myself in the eye from annoyance of feeling as though I was doing nothing. 

Just because some asshole thought it would be cool to start cloning me and causing a terrible mess, my team has to pay for it. Who even knows if I can tell Naruto about it when I come back, I wondered in annoyance. 

Day Seven. 

It was my final day there and I was excited to get out. I was anxious and excited at the same time. During the first meal Takaru sat next to me and we ate our meals in quietness. Occasionally, she would send a quick glare my way and go back to her food. 

Looks like a repeat of day three, I sighed at the thought of that. At least I am getting out tonight, and then my company will at least be somebody who has stuck to their dedication of being my friend. She must be pretty lonely if she has been in here for such a long while. Maybe I should at least tell her I am leaving soon. 

"Hey, Takaru," I said to her. 


"I am going to be leaving soon an-" 

"Good." That threw me off. I tried to shake it off as her not being used to having a friend or communicating with others.  

"Well, I just thought you would at least want me to say goodbye to you. Obviously you have had some sort of problem with me that you refuse to talk to me about." Coldly, I said to her and crossed my arms over my chest. 

She faced me with her eye brows furrowed together. "If you wanted to know why I was frustrated at you, you could have at least asked me." I waited for a few moments before she continued. "It is because the reason I am here, I both mugged and killed you." 


What did you guys think of this chapter? I got too side-tracked for my own good while I was writing this chapter. cx What do you think of Takaru and her reasoning for acting so weird around Harmony? How are you on the path of life? c: What is/are your favorite color(s)? c: 

I hope you guys have a wonderful day and smile! Farewell homies. :D 

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