Alligator Dragon

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Alligator Dragon (water type)

Description: Dark green skin on torso,grey on face and neck, brown horns and wings,small spikes along back and tail, green underbelly, stubby legs,small ears

Diet: mainly fish

Abilities: night vision, camouflage into swampy areas, can hold breath for up to 4 hours, excellent swimmers

Leader: King Grove

Habitat: swamps

Extra Facts: These dragons,are unable to fly, despite their large wings. Their bodies are simply too stocky to be lifted off the ground.

    Alligator Dragons live their lives just like actually Gators. They can be found anywhere,as long as there's water nearby. They will sometimes be found near beaches too. Instead of flying,these dragons use their wings for swimming. Female Gator Dragons don't have any grey on their faces.

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