Chapter 4 Dangerous Game

Start from the beginning

My heart started to pound really fast. Shyly I lifted my hand to wave back at him. Suddenly a girl appeared next to me and walked straight over to their table. Her cologne filled the air as she made her way straight to Jooheon. She sat down next to him and he laid his arm around her. A knot was build inside of me and I turned my face so I no longer had to witness this. Why did I feel like that. He's a stupid ass guy anyway. So why does it bother me? Does it really bother me?
Changkyun wrapped his arm around me just like Jooheon did with that girl. But he did it more in a comforting way like he knew I was kinda hurt now. "I love you!" He whispered into my ear, what made me smile. I looked at him only to see him looking somewhere else. He looked straight into Jooheons direction and I followed his gaze. Jooheon looked at us and he seemed furious. I frowned and looked back at Changkyun who simply continued finishing his meal like nothing happened. "Kyuni?" I asked as he didn't took off his arm. "Mhm?" he said with his full mouth. "May I get some of your food?" I asked as I stared at his lunch. He nodded and fed me with the fork. "Ahhh so good." I half said and half moaned. "Stop the moaning, would yah?!" Changkyun said while he covered my mouth with his hand. We both laughed and he pulled me closer to give me a kiss on my forehead. Suddenly we heard a lound crash followed by a girl screaming. Millions of shards on the floor.
All head turned into the direction where it came from. Jooheon. He sat there, hands formed into fists. His eyes almost glowing from anger. He stood up and left, leaving his friends and the whole University clueless. "Excuse me for a second, gotta use the bathroom." I lied and stood up. I walked into the direction Jooheon went just a minute ago. When I stepped outside I looked into every direction for Jooheon. "Where is he?!" I walked to the left onto the campus of Kyoto. There he was, walking fast as usual. I ran, trying to reach him. I grabbed his shoulder and he turned around. "What the hell do you want?!" he said with a low voice. "I...I...I-I saw.." I was overwhelmed with his harsh tone and his tall presence. "Will you ever stop stuttering that's so anno..." He suddenly stopped his sentence and looked at my shocked face. "Sorry...You were so angry and I just thought I'll come check on you." I now said. And there it was again the famous smirk. "And why would you care?" Jooheon grabbed my waist and pulled me close. "It's not like we are friends right?" he continued. I looked him into the eyes. Not this time honey, I thought as he again had that paralyzing beautiful look on his face. Now it was my time to smirk. "Maybe that's exactly what I want to be." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck. I wish someone would have recorded the look on his face after I finished my sentence. "What?" he asked confused and loosened his grip. "You heard me." I said and came closer to him. "I don't think so." he said. "Why not?" I asked disappointed. Even if my acts were just a joke, my words weren't. "We met so many times by accident and now we're even on the same University. You brought me home that day and you carried me into my bed. Something friends do." I started. "And you.." "Okay stop! First of all we didn't met by accident you followed me right. And just because I did those things doesn't mean we are friends." he said and crossed his arms. I let my shoulders down. "My friends are very special people...and you...well" Now I crossed my arms to. "What's your problem sir!" I asked annoyed by his rudeness again. "I do not have a problem lady! Now get lost." he turned around and started walking. "Wait!" I said. "Wow I have a deja vu. How comes you say that every time I walk away?" He gave me this precious smile. "Then maybe you are doing it too often?" I said as I approached him. "Are you flirting with me young lady? What would your parents say." he joked and put his hands into his pocket. "Maybe I am. What are you gonna do about it?" I said. What?! Who are you and where is this sudden confidence coming from?! He drew in a deep breath. "'re playing a dangerous game babe." He came close to my ear. "Remember...if you play with fire you might get burned." he gave me a kiss on the cheek before he left. My hand rushed to the cheek he just kissed. My heart was pounding, head probably red as a tomato, shaking and left there on the campus. "It won't happen again hm?" Oh no! "Kyuni!" I turned around and saw him standing there.

 "It won't happen again hm?" Oh no! "Kyuni!" I turned around and saw him standing there

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"I...Kyuni it's not..." I stopped talking cause honestly I didn't know what to say. "I was actually worried about you cause that's a pretty long time to use the bathroom, only to find you kissing that selfish piece of asshole!" "Okay Kyuni stop. You don't know him." I said. How comes I suddenly defended Jooheon over my best friend. "I certainly know him better than you!" He shook his head and came close to me. "Kyuni..." He gave me a small smile. "Why? Why him?" he asked and sat down on a rock near us. "I don't know. He...he's a special baby." I smiled at him. His eyes widen at disgust. "Please never say that again." I laughed and decided to tease him a little. "Ohh and have you seen those strong arms? And ahh those lips!" I put my hands onto my heart. "No!   Stop!" we both laughed. "But now let's be real..please be carefull. I don't want you to get hurt or anything." I pulled him into a tight hug. "Listen Kyuni I know you're just protecting me but it's not like we're dating or anything. We kinda just became sorta friends I think. And even if he's got that rude attitude sometimes, he can also be very nice." I said and leaned my head on his shoulder. "But Yuriko you really don't know him. People here talk. Do you have any idea how many stories I've already heard about him? About being a criminal, stealing, cheating, beating up people. It says he once got arrested. Is this the type of person you want to be around?" There it was the worried face. "Kyuni do you have any idea how many people lie? Let's just give him a chance alright?"

At home I thought about the things Changkyun said. Was it true. Did he beat up someone? And is he really a criminal? No I mean..that's just ridiculous. Arrested, yeah suuure! Still a bit worried I fell asleep.

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