Chapter 1

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Terrence drove them to his house so he could get back to the station to fill out paperwork.

"Aye T, you got a PSP at your house?" Isaiah asked from the backseat

"Yeah, I don't play it but I have one."

"Taraji, I want to take you down to the station with me. You need to fill out a police report or else he won't be charged for what he's done to you." Terrence said pulling into his driveway

"You still live with your mom T?" She asked remembering the house

"No, my mother lived with me after I took over all the payments. She couldn't afford it with her chemo treatments and then she passed and left it to me. I moved out of my apartment and moved in here after she passed." He clarified

Terrence's mother suffered from a random brain aneurysm and it took her life two years ago.

"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't know." She muttered

"No need to apologize. Come on let's go inside." He said getting out and grabbing some of the bags. Isaiah grabbed the others.

"Isaiah, you can have this first room on the right. That's where all the video games are. Taraji the back room is the biggest so you can have that one, I'll take the other one. You can just move my stuff to the side and I'll move it when I get back. Unless, Majesty needs her own room, I can sleep on the couch." He said opening the door and turning on the light.

He put the bags down and went to get ice packs for Majesty and Taraji.

"You should put this on her arm and this on your face. Sit down make yourself comfortable. If you don't wanna do the report tonight,we don't have to but the only thing I ask for is that you do it. I'll be back, I gotta turn in my patrol car." He said

"Thank you,Terrence. We won't be here for long, I swear. I'm gonna go fill out some job applications and we'll be gone by the
End of this week. I don't want you to rearrange your entire life for us." She said sitting down

"Can I use your shower?" She asked

"Yeah,go ahead. You don't have to ask. Treat this like your home. Everything in here is yours. Don't hesitate to get comfortable. I'm gonna go to the station real quick. Call me if you need something." He said walking out the door. She sat on the couch and sighed. 

She hated that her life was like this. She never thought she'd be in this position when she was younger.

"Taraji, I need you to sign this. Football camp starts in two months, I know you probably won't be able to afford it but I can get a job and save up the money. I just really wanna go." Isaiah said coming from the back

"I'll get the money, you can't go to school and work. It's my responsibility and I'll handle it." She said taking the paper

"Okay, if you can afford it I'll understand. Don't stress yourself over it T." He said walking to the back

Taraji picked Majesty up and took her to the back room. She didn't want to kick Terrence out of his own room so she took the smaller one to share with Majesty.

She laid her on the bed and put pillows on it to keep her from rolling off.

Walking out she went to grab their bags so they could put everything away.

Dropping Isaiah's bag off at his door and taking the other two to the room she would share with her daughter.

A knock at the door interrupted her unpacking flow.

"Taraji, there's someone at the door." Isaiah said

She got up to answer it and a woman stood at the door with a little boy.

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