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(Rated PG-13 for Violence and Swearing)

The world shook as the young boy’s feet collided with the ground, his panting only growing heavier by the second. Cries of pain and anguish filled the area as citizens slowly morphed into hellish, black beasts with slim, long limbs and glowing violet eyes. Panic was evident in the child’s eyes as he struggled to keep moving forwards, to get the hell out of the kingdom – his kingdom. 

A flash of light and the boy found a bolt of magic heading his way. Narrowly, he tumbled underneath the spell, hearing the familiar topple of bricks as the dark magic struck against something. Who’s house was it this time? A poor old lady’s? Maybe one of his loyal guards? He couldn’t turn back now to find out. There was no turning back. His mission was to run until he knew he was safe, until he knew that no one could find him.

The only problem was that the source of danger was right behind him.

“There’s no point in running any longer, little prince!” a deep voice mockingly screeched, and the boy had to restrain himself from turning around to throw an angry insult at the man. Before he knew it, something had caused a dangerously nearby house to explode, knocking him off his feet and towards the chasing warlock. Fear shot through his body as he opened his eyes, his head throbbing painfully as he felt a rough hand grab the collar of his grey shirt and pull him upwards.

“You stubborn brat, you know you couldn’t escape me,” the man hissed, a devilish grin crawling onto his masked lips. “Now just stay still for me, okay? Or does your dense mind even understand those simple words, brat.” The boy still squirmed under the grip, trying to somehow escape the man’s grasp and run to freedom.

“Stay still I said!” the warlock snarled, pulling back his fist to deliver a bone-breaking blow to his cheek, tears already wetting his face. A scream erupted from the boy’s lips as the man pulled down the mask that was covering his face, revealing a young, handsome face with golden locks and hateful brown eyes. The man let out a long, deep laugh before speaking.

“Just pray to your stupid ancestors that this won’t hurt just as much as that,” he stated. With that, he brought up his free hand, a flickering violet spell forming in his hand. The warlock drew back his hand slowly, wanting to enjoy the boy’s fear and tears before releasing his spell.

Or, at least, trying to release the spell.

”What?” he roared, whipping his head back to find the one person he didn’t want to see; the boy’s mother, the Queen.

“You will not hurt my son, you war-hungry pig!” she cried, sending a heavy blow to the warlock’s back, efficiently making drop the prince with a thud.

“Run, son! Get out of her!” the boy heard his mother cry. Without another thought, he picked himself up and bolted, running towards the entrance to the kingdom as fast as he could. Tears kept streaming down his face as he gingerly held a hand to his broken cheekbone. A piercing scream echoed through the place, causing him to turn around and find his mother down on the ground, breathing heavily. Almost instantaneously, he saw black wings sprouting out of the Queen’s back, and ivory horns growing from the top of her head, both decorated with fresh blood. The warlock grinned, increasing the power of his spell before spotting the boy.

“You will never escape Prince Duncan!” the warlock shouted, and the boy turned around again, passing through the gate and sprinting towards the forest.

A bloodthirsty screech could be heard, but the boy never turned back.

A/N: Hey guys! So this is my very first story, and I decided to make it a fanfiction so that it would be a little easier since there are already appearances and personalities for the characters. I’m a little nervous about posting this on Wattpad, so please don’t rage at me if I screw up somewhere, or forget some major detail.

As you can see from the summary, this is going to be a Zoethian (Zoeya x Rythian) fanfiction placed in a Royalty AU in medieval times. I’m going to try to incorporate as many events as I can from the actual Blackrock series, though there will be a few missing guaranteed. There’s one in mind that’s very important to Season 1 and 2 that will not exactly be occurring, unfortunately. I have plans for something else to happen, however.

Constructive criticism and comments are appreciated. Have a nice day! (:  

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