The game went well, I had only one injury to tend too and it was luckily a minor one where he has to miss only about a week. After the game I was in my office when Hitch came in "Hey Hitch, what can I do for you?"

"I heard from a little birdie that a little girl is turning one soon, so I figured I would give you a list of our away games so you can plan accordingly."

I take the paper from his hands and smile "Thank you Hitch, invites are going out as soon as we pick a date so keep an eye out for you and the misses okay?"

"Thank you Danielle, have a good night."

I smile "You also sir."

As I'm finishing up I hear the guys still celebrating in the locker room but I also hear them slowly leaving too. After a few seconds I see Katie come in my office "Hey sweet girl"

She gets excited and started kicking her feet "She didn't see Tyler yet, he was showering when we came in."

"Oh that's why she wants me right now" I laugh with her and I start getting my papers together so when Tyler's ready we can head home. Katie and I sit on the floor with Adrianna and play with her while we are waiting and when Tyler and Jamie are ready we all head out.

After we get home, Tyler heads to put Adrianna to bed while I shower and get ready for bed. When I'm done I go to the bedroom and see Tyler laying in bed waiting for me so I climb to him and kiss him "So we have to talk about her first birthday, as much as you don't want to admit she is turning one."

"I don't but I know she is going to anyways," I take out the paper that Hitch gave me "So this is a list of the away games and home games you have coming up, so let's pick a date so I can get te invites made and start getting things ready."

We talk about it for about a half hour before we finally pick a date. Since her birthday is April 16th and the team only has practice that day, we choose her actual birthday to have her party on. 


On the day of her birthday, Tyler gets up and grabs her from her room and brings her in with us "It's our birthday girl!" Tyler and I head to the living room with her after breakfast to play with her a bit so she will take a nap before her party so she isn't cranky during her party and it gives me time to get everything ready before people start showing up too.

We are playing with her and making her stand with our fingers before I turn her to Tyler and let go of her hands and she walks to him, not a far distance but really good! "Good job baby!" I tell her as she claps for herself when she sees Tyler clapping for her.

Around 12:30 she passes out after lunch and I start getting her party together with Katie while Tyler is outside with Jamie and the dogs. "So can you believe it's already been a year?" Katie asked me.

"No it's crazy, it's flown by so fast."

"Have you guys talked about another one?"

"Not exactly no, but we also aren't using any protection either." Katie looks at me shocked and I just shrug my shoulders "Oh well if it happens it happens, not like it hasn't before."

"True" She laughs as we continue setting up.

*Tyler's POV*

Jamie and I are outside playing with Cash and Marshall while Dani and Katie are inside setting up for Adrianna's birthday party. "Can you believe she is already one dude?"

"No way, it's crazy. She walked today too, took her first steps alone."

"No way, that's awesome."

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