Untitled Part 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own Dallas Stars or Tyler Seguin, I only own Danielle and Adrianna.

*Danielle's POV*

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*Danielle's POV*

I can't believe summer has flown by already! Our sweet girl is already 4 months old and they best baby I could have ever asked for. She sleeps through the night, loves her bottles and baby food, and absolutely loves her daddy. She is absolutely in love with Tyler, and she has him wrapped around her finger already. She is an absolute daddy's girl.

It is now August 20th, and that means it is time for training camp to start. I got a call from the Athletic trainer letting me know to be there at 2pm. Tyler has to be there earlier, around 8am. He trains until about 11, then they get an hour break before resuming drills until 2pm, for a half hour rest then they resume until 4:30. It's exhausting for them but they are also driven to be starting a new season.

I head for the arena around 1:30, and when I arrive I am carrying Arianna in my arms instead of her seat that I just leave in the car now.

(What Adrianna is wearing

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(What Adrianna is wearing.)

I head for security where they check my bags and identification before leading me where to go to meet with the trainer. Katie said she would make sure she was here by 2 so I had about 15 minutes before she came. I was wearing black tight pants, black sneakers and I tight Dallas Stars long sleeve shirt.

I sit in the stands, not far from where the players enter the ice and exit back to the locker room. I bounce Adrianna in my lap and she laughs and coos while watching Tyler on the ice.

Once they were finished, I walking near the floor where they guys where walking and sat, waiting. Tyler already walked by before I sat down and I saw Jamie walking off the ice last, since he was captain. "Hey Dani!" he approached me, ridiculously tall in his skates. "Hey Adrianna," she smiles and dives her head into my neck, she loves her Uncle Jamie too. "Come on, let's get you to daddy sweet baby." He hands me his gloves and takes Adrianna, who gladly goes with him.

He walked with her with me behind him into the locker room, then he yells "Delivery for Seguin!"

Tyler pops his head up to see Jamie coming to him with Adrianna. Adrianna starts kicking her feet and failing her hands at the sight her dad. Tyler stands and takes her from Jamie, kissing her face and making her belly laugh. It melts me heart.

I stay in the doorway watching before I am signaled by Coach Hitchcock to come to his office. Tyler nods his head and I walk to his office. "So you are the Dani I have been hearing about. It's great to finally have a face to that name."

"It's great to meet you Sir, thank you so much for this opportunity to work with your team."

"It's a pleasure, and that girl of your is a gem. Now let's discuss what your internship will entail."

*Tyler's POV*

I was sitting removing my pads when I hear Jamie's mouth "Delivery for Seguin." I roll my eyes and look up, but I smile as soon as I see my girl in his arms, her arms and feet going at the sight of me.

I stand up and take her, immediately kissing her face, making her laugh. God I love that giggle, it's the best thing in the world. "Yoo, Segs your a dad?" Shore asked what all the guys were asking in there head.

I nod "Yupp, this is my girl Adrianna. My hockey princess, like her shirt says." Jamie chuckles, since he bought her that.

"Congrats man, we didn't know!" Val says.

"I know, I was keeping it quiet because her mother is kind of working here." They all stop "She is the Athletic trainer intern, Danielle."

"No way dude, well congrats anyway. She is beautiful."

I kiss her head again "Don't I know it." I look around and see Dani talking to Hitch. "Hey Jamie, can you take her for a minute while I finish with my pads and change? Just until Dani is done with Hitch?" He nods and takes Adrianna and starts bouncing her on his knee, making her laugh.

*Danielle's POV*

"Alright so basically you are going to be monitoring and observing the head trainers and seeing how protocol works and figuring out where all the players weak spots are and learning how they stretch and just the basics you already know. Oh and you will not be traveling to away games, just to make it easier for you and your baby." Hitchcock informs me.

I nod letting him know I was listening "And I have care for Adrianna, Jamie's girlfriend is going to be keeping an eye on her while I'm working and Tyler's playing just so she isn't into everything in the locker room or bothering everyone."

He peeks behind me "Seems to me she isn't bothering anyone." He smiles. I turn around and see Jamie and a few other guys on the floor playing with her while she sits between Tyler's legs. She can sit up very well, but she still loses her balance often. "I don't think her being in the locker room while the guys aren't busy is going to be an issue."

"Apparently not." I laugh. "Okay so when do I start?"

"The first home game is October 7th, so you can officially start then. If you would like to start during the training periods that is up to you. The decision is yours."

"I can start during trainings."

"Great, so you can start tomorrow. Practice starts at 9am, so be here roughly at 8 or 8:30am."

"Okay, thank you so much Mr. Hitchcock, again I really appreciate the opportunity." I stand and shake his hand.

"No problem, and please call me Hitch."

"And please call me Dani." We laugh as I walk back into the locker room. "Having fun guys?" They all nod before dispersing to change and shower. "Hi sweet girl." I grab Adrianna from Tyler so he can stand up. "Are you okay with everyone knowing now?"

"Yeah, it's fine. I was never against them knowing I just wanted to know them first before I brought her around."

I nod "Understandable." He grabs his bags and I grab mine. He takes Adrianna, insisting on carrying her to the car.  

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