Chapter 1.

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"Charley........will you do me the honour of becoming my wife" Chris sakes Charley

"Chris I-" she stutters "Of course I will marry you" Charley screams with excitement as she watches Chris places the ring on her finger.

Charley turns to face Ben and he is stunned at the scene that has just been played out in front of him but he is happy for Charley. They all stand outside for a bit longer talking about what has just happened and what the next steps are on planning the wedding and all that.

"I'm hungry, you hungry" Ben asks Charley

"I'm fricking starving man. Thought you would never ask me" she responds and rubs her stomach.

They walk over to Jack and Chris and ask if they are hungry and they say that they are and suggest to order a takeout as a celebration on the engagement and they all go inside and order what they wanted off the menu.

When the food come they all sat around the table and shared their food and just had a night off just them four and no one else, sort of like a family night off pigging out on food and not giving a care in the world. Charley and Chris we're feeding each other and just being happy and this made Jack and Ben want to mimic them.

"Jack you have a bit of sauce on your face let me get it for you" Ben mimics charley and wipes the pretend sauce of Jack's face.

"Would you like a piece of chicken" Jack asks mimicking Chris and outs a piece of chicken in font of Ben's face and Ben takes a bite and smiles and Jack.

Charley notices what is going on and grabs a handful of chips and waits for the right moment to launch them at Ben, and when she sees that he is turning to face her so throws the chips at him so they hit him in his face. One by one the chips hit Ben and he stops laughing and his face goes into shock, he can't belive someone has thrown chips at him. This means war. He grabs the closest thing to him, which happens to be a couple of packs of ketchup and he aims them and squeezes them with as much force as he can and then go all over Charley.

The food fight last for another 5 minuets and then they realise they have to clean it all up which is not what they planned to happened.

"This wouldn't of happened if you didn't throw the chips at me" Ben whined

"Shouldn't of been taking the piss then should ya" Charley snap backs

"Well somebody pissed in your cereal today" Ben joked

"Don't test me here mate, cause I will destroy you" Charley said trying not to laugh.

Ben doesn't respond he just simply rolls his eyes and carries on clearing up the ketchup that he squirted at Charley, once they had finished they walked into the living room and flopped down onto the couch and scrolled through the TV channels. Jack and Chris where already in the living room when Ben and Charley got there, they watched TV till about 11 o'clock when Charley said she was going to bed and Chris said that he would go to bed as well. This left Ben and Jack in the living room watching 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians: Thailand Part 2' and it had got to the bit where Khloé was on the phone to Kris and Kris had started to swear at Khloé and she responded with "If you start cursing at me I will start cursing back at you so lets not play the curse game, cause do you wanna play that game cause guess who's better at it"

It got to 11:30 and I was feeling really tiered so I stood and said I was going to bed and Jack said he would too so Ben went off the kitchen and got a can of coke for himself and made his way up the stairs and too his room, once he was inside he put his pyjamas on which was a pair of SuperMario bros and a t-shrit that was 3 sizes too big for him but it kept him warm. He was used to having Jack sleep in his bed so when he saw Jack in his bed he just got in his side and turned so he was facing Jack.

"Hey" Jack whispered

"Hey" Ben whispered back

"I'm really bored" Jack whined

"M' tiered, go to sleep" Ben said half sleepy

"Ok. Night Ben" Jack said

Ben made a strange noise in response to Jack and they both where asleep within 10 minutes.


Charley was the first one up at 8 and she looked at her phone and read the date which red "Friday 1 February" and this meant only one thing, both Charley and Ben had their 21st birthdays this month and she couldn't believe that they where finally turning 21 so she went into his room and woke him up.

"Ben get up!" she shouts

"What do you want its 8 in the morning its still night time. Ugh go back to bed" Ben moans

"You're so annoying, its the first of February which means our birthdays is soon. WE ARE FINALLY TURNING 21" she says excitedly

As soon as Ben hears that he jumps up in excitement and they start doing random dancing around the room and they go down stairs and start to make some breakfast and they sit at the table the two of them, whilst Jack and Chris are asleep, they where in the middle of eating their breakfast when Ben's phone started to ring so he picks it up and looks at the caller ID and it says Unknown so he answers it.

"Hello" he says

"Hello Mr. Ben this is Mrs West here calling from school. Is Miss Charley there as well I need to speak to both of you" she says

"Ok, hang on" Ben says and he puts the phone on speaker

"She is here Mrs West" Ben rolls his eyes at Charley and she speaks

"What do you want Mrs." Charley sighs

"As you both aware you are both of you are excellent students here, but recently you have missed a lot of school, do you care to explain yourseleves" She said sternly

"I've had family problems Mrs like loosing my nan and grandad in such a short space of time" I say

"I am sorry to hear that Ben, I will change that on your attendance record" She tries to sound sympathetic and then she starts typing on her computer

"And you Mrs Charley what is your reasoning to not attending school" Mrs West says sarcastically

"My excuse is that it was family issues as well." Charley retaliates

"Oh, well I hope you are both coping well and come back to school when your ready" she said trying to sound nice

They both dont say goodbye but just hang the phone up on her and carry on eating their breakfast, the day drags on going extremly slow and they can not find anything to do apart from watch TV. They cant exactly go outside as typical British weather means that its raining and they are just generally mopping around the house. It got to about 6 o'clock and they decided to go out to Nandos for dinner and to have a celebration dinner on Charley and Chris's engagement.

"Well I just want to say congratulations to the happy couple and may you both be happy for the rest of your life" Ben makes a toast to them

"Aww thanks Ben, that really means a lot to me" Charley says and gives him a hug

They eat their food and have a few drinks and carry on chatting on what they will do next, once they all decide to go home Ben and Jack pay for Charley and Chris's meal, in which Charley insits that they dont but she relentless gives in and they head home.


a|n I know this is a shit chapter but its sort of a filler chapter as I promised to update before I went on holiday but I didnt have time and I was working a lot as well

But here is the chapter and i hope you enjoy

P.S. I'm working a joint divergent fanfic with my friend @ladyalexabdrabastian called protected and respected so if you could go and check that out for me that would be amazeballs.


Ok bye

Ben :)

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