“Your mother and father loved you two more than anything,” Sam went on, causing me to laugh gutturally, again. “And you, were miss tomboy, always competing with Toby and even some of these boys,” he said, gesturing to his 'pack', as he called it. “You usually lost back in those days.” I smiled, feeling a blush creeping up onto my face. “And you used to yell at the boys, too!” I looked up, my eyes wide in surprise. I shook my head, not able to believe it because I couldn't even remember when I was able to talk.

But Sam found himself chuckling at my disagreement. “Oh, yes you did...I have film to prove it!” My eyes seemed to get wider and I shook my head fast, not wanting to see because then others would see me, then, and I didn't want them, too. Sam chuckled but, then, in a fatherly way, pushed away a lock of hair from my face. “Your parents stopped talking to me after...after what happened.”

I looked at him, then the Cullen's, the other boys, and back to Sam. I didn't know if I wanted everyone to know what happened, especially since I still didn't know what happened. Sam saw my face and looked at the Cullen's...

“She wants to know, but doesn't want everyone hearing it,” Sam said to Carlisle, who immediately nodded.

“Sam, we'll void the treaty line, for now, for Bella's sake,” Carlisle said, thinking quick on his toes. “I'll have Emmett and Jasper go and take Toby out. Esme and Rosalie can go pick up...some things for Bella, as I'm assuming it has to do with vampires,” he said to Sam, and Sam only nodded.

I looked at Sam, fear and shock on my face. He patted my hand, reassuring me as he told everyone to leave, even Jacob, who did, but in a huff. Everyone else disappeared as we made our way back to the house. When we got there, going inside and seating ourselves on the couch, it was only me, Sam, Carlisle, Alice and Edward. Edward sat right at my side, which I was confused about, at first, but Carlisle said he'd explain that afterward.

That's when I nodded, giving Sam my full attention. He took in a ragged breath, letting it out slowly before sighing. “Bella...it's my fault that you are the way you are.” I tried to feign confusion, until he said, “How you won't eat human food...only blood.”

My eyes bugged out, and almost everyone else in the room had that same reaction. But I simply recovered from it and nodded for him to go ahead. “Emily and I had you and Toby over for a night...which wasn't uncommon. Your parents...worked a lot, back then.” I nodded, not remembering that, but just hearing it sounded like my parents. “That last time you all were left in my care, we had a situation going on in La Push about nomadic vampires kidnapping whoever they could get. But, we couldn't tell your parents that. We're wolves, and had to keep that a secret. I just had told you, Toby and the other boys that ghosts were outside, so don't leave the house.” He stopped for a moment, smiling at me and patting me on the head. He seemed as if he were tearing up, and I felt really bad for him. “You wanted to go out because you're favorite time of day was twilight. You would say that, “no matter what happens in a day, it eventually...”

“All has to end,” he and I both finished together, only all I could do was to mouth the words. But I remembered that part. That saying, at least.

He smiled that I remembered that. Then looked away, sad. “Sometime, after even Emily wasn't aware of it, you had gotten out. Around two hours later, we had the whole damn town looking for you, but luckily I was the one to find you.” He took in a ragged breath, shaking his head. I could see in his eyes that he was remembering every detail as if it had just happened. That alone brought tears to my eyes. I felt bad that he had felt so bad for me.

“You were so still...I thought you were dead,” he said as the tears began to fall, but I urged him on, wanting to know who and what I had become that fateful night. “You had...bite marks all over you,” he said, cringing. I was horrified just thinking about it, yet he had witnessed it. How was he keeping it together?

Alice, Edward, and Carlisle were even shocked, but said nothing as Sam continued.

“I took you to the house where Billy and Jacob lived, because Billy was the only one there,” Sam said, sighing. “We couldn't do much except keep you comfortable and...hidden, for a few days. When you came to, we knew that while we had stopped some of the venom, we didn't stop enough, and it had...changed you.”

I could only nod, now having the reason why I was the way I was. But that didn't explain everything! I looked at Sam, knowing the story was far from over.

“You couldn't handle animal blood,” Sam replied softly. “And you wouldn't speak. You tried, but...it was as if your voice died along with part of you. We had to get donated human blood into you before calling your parents, and it worked. You were satisfied and, for the most part, turned back into a little girl. Except for your super speed, hearing, sight, strength, and the fact that you had to have blood instead of food and could beat every boy in this area at anything running wise.”

I couldn't help it...I laughed a little, at that part. Sam did, too, as did the Cullen's who were there.

“But...you had changed, and for that simple fact, once I talked with your parents, they decided to move, and...wouldn't talk to me, after that,” Sam replied softly, and I found myself looking into his eyes, shaking my head.

I then angrily stood up, knowing it was my own fault that I was in this damn boat! It wasn't your fault! I signed to Sam, hoping he could know what I was saying to him.

He obviously did, and stood up right in front of me. “Yes, it was! You were four-years-old, Bella. All you wanted to do was to watch the pretty sky, and ended up scarred, for more than one reason, because I wasn't doing my job and watching you!”

I looked to the Cullen's for help, but they all held up their hands in a mock surrender. I huffed, stomping my foot, which shook the whole house.

My eyes went wide as I did that. That never happened before.

“That's a power I'd hoped you'd outgrow,” Sam said, sighing. I looked at him, hands folded across my chest. “Now Bella, I'm trying to tell you that I still love you and your brother like I love my children. You can visit, Toby can, and we don't have to discuss this. But, it was still my fault, which is why the treaty is void for you and Toby.”

I looked at him, angrily, then signed, what the hell is the damn treaty?

Everyone in the room had chuckled, even Sam, as he shook his head. “A line the Cullen's can't pass, which is why Jacob almost tried to attack you. That, and he wouldn't heed my warnings, before he got to you. I'd known you were coming back, but I wanted to wait until the right time to talk with you...but then Jacob got involved, and I had no other choice.”

I nodded my head in understanding, wondering if Sam, the pack, and the Cullen's were the key in getting my voice back, as well. Then Sam went on to tell me that I couldn't drink from or change a human, which I never wanted to do, anyways. That part was never a problem for me.

“We'll get you all the blood you need, Bella,” Carlisle reassured me, and I smiled at him, nodding. Then I looked at him skeptically, suddenly confused.

Why are you not all afraid of me? I signed to the three, who all quietly chuckled.

I shot them a glare, forcing them to stop and Sam to chuckle. I huffed in exasperation, but before I could reveal anymore angry powers, Carlisle held up his hand. “We're not afraid of you, Bella, because you and us are almost nearly alike.”

I was confused, and cocked one eyebrow up to show it, causing Edward and Alice, mainly, that time, to chuckle.

That's when Alice stood up, jumping from the floor to the ceiling in no time. I smiled up there, suddenly very excited as Alice giggled out, “we're not afraid of you because we're vampires, just-like-you!”


Crossing fingers, hoping everyone enjoyed. Took me two hours because my hands kept spazzing. I'll see what I can get done tomorrow.

Hope whoever reads this likes it!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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