Chapter 2

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That was it, i was walking trough the streets of London, the city I've dreamt so much about and that made me feel better; in a way I was feeling lighter, maybe it was the fact that I was surrounded by so many people, it kind of made me feel less empty.
I breathed in and out the air of the city, knowing I was far away from my so called home, and I smiled, for the first time after she was gone I smiled.
I got a room in the cheapest hotel I could see not to far from the center and went straight to bed. But as I laid down on the uncomfortable pillow I felt alone again, and I got to the conclusion that feelings always suck everything up, no matter how hard you try to make things good.
I thought about the fact that if i could manage to not to feel any emotion, nothing would have being painful, I would have been stuck in this "feeling empty" and I could definitely be able to stand that; I knew that feelings are inevitable but I promised to myself that night that I would have enjoyed my life the fullest, that I would have been looking for adventures, with the only condition that I would have tried to avoid every kind of feeling and if I couldn't really do that, at least I would have never fallen in love or even get too attached to someone, because I've experienced this situation before and I've seen what this "love" could do, what could you become if you let yourself fall and I was here to forget. But that's when everything changed.
The following day I went out looking for a job, seeing that my money were about to finish. I brought a newspaper and looked at the end but finding nothing really interesting. So after two hours of walking in and out of shops I made my way to the nearest bar.
As I was about to order I noticed a sign: "we are looking for a new member of our family, come and work with us!" I smiled,that was perfect! At the counter was a girl, I guessed she was about my age, she was smiling and she was stunning.
"Hi welcome to candycake, What can I get you?" She said in a very cheerful way, probably one of the main rules to work there
" The job" I answered without even thinking.
We both started to laugh before she continued "well I guess I can see if my boss is here and you can talk with her"
"thank you so much" she disappeared behind the doors and came back with a short woman with gray hair, motioning for me to follow them. I sat in front of the lady while the girl came back to work.
"Good morning honey, I'm the owner of this bar, my name is Mary Rainold!" she started
"Nice to meet you Mrs Rainold, I'm Alison Cruz" "the pleasure is mine darling, but please call me Mary. so why do you want this job?" She asked, "
I really need a job, I've arrived here yesterday and I need to find a flat and..." "where are you from? I've wandered that since you said hi" she laughed and I smiled, she was a really nice lady, with a warm and comforting look and this big green soft eyes; I liked her, she reminded me of.. I shook my head at the thought, I didn't need to remember that.
"I'm Italian, I come from near Venice!" I answered"
oh Lord, My husband and I have always loved Italy, we've been there a lot of times, your food is the best" I laughed at her dreaming expression, probably remembering all the good memories of her life. I coughed to get her attention and she looked back at me smiling softly "sorry honey, got a bit wrapped up in the memories" she smiled.
We continued with some other basic questions for about 20 more minutes "congrats, you've got the job!"
I smiled again, excited for the news "really?" She simply nodded "thank you so much, Mary, when can I start?" I asked
"tomorrow morning, be here at 9.00. Now I have to go home, see you tomorrow darling" she hugged me and left.
"sooo?" I looked up to find the same girl of the counter "soo.. I guess you have another coworker!" she cheered an hugged me tight "great, I'm Emily Rose, by the way" she said
I observed Emily, and she was really beautiful; she had light brown wavy hair falling on her shoulders with an inch of shatush that made her hair seem a little longer. She had green eyes,a really contagious smile, and her body was to die for, really, she could definitely work as a Victoria's Secret model, and that made wonder why was she working in a small bar; but then again I had to remember to myself about my promise.
"earth to Ali!" she called me waiving her hand in front of my face.
I laughed softly "sorry, just thinking,what were you saying?"
"I've almost finished here, do you want to go and grab something to eat, so we can start to know each other better" she proposed.
I nodded unsure but then she took my hand and started taking me with her out of the bar down into the busy streets.
AN: so here's the second chapter, what do you guys think? comment and let me know! about how I picture Emily, the inspiration for her character is one of my closest friend so she's not an actress!
I will try to update twice a week, hope you liked this chapter. Love xx Ari
On the side Happily acoustic, listen and die with me please haha

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