Start from the beginning

I’m freezing as we near the edge of the tree line. Several trucks, like the ones that took Evan and I away the night we came, are parked in the middle of the street. A small building sits on the opposite side of the road, close to the trucks. A light glows from the huge window overlooking the road and a man is perched at a desk. Large spotlights circle the road.

These oddities are the only things that alert me to the unmarked spot on the asphalt that holds a small tear in the universe.

We stop far enough away to hopefully avoid detection. I try to slow my galloping heart while the boys get a head count of the security team and decide how to proceed next.

“There should be more than six guards,” Reece says. He pulls out his tablet and checks the security detail roster. “I don’t understand it. It only lists six.”

Evan sets his backpack on the ground. “Maybe we should just be thankful for our good luck.”

“And ignore the fact we might be walking into a trap?”

Evan pulls binoculars out of his backpack and scans the road. “I’m only detecting heat sources from six bodies, as unbelievable as that is. We should just thank our lucky stars.”

“I still think something’s off.”

Five guards patrol the edge of the road. The sixth is the man in the building. Evan and Reece discuss how to take out the guards so Reece can get inside.

“Why does he need to get in the building?” I ask. “Why not just take out the other guards and go through the portal?”

“There’s a security field around it. Reece has to shut it down. It was fairly easy last time, but we did it at shift change and Reece created a distraction. It won’t be so easy this time.”

Reece pulls a gun out of his backpack and gives me a tight smile when he sees my horror. “Tranquilizer gun. Trust me, I have no desire to kill anyone.” But he tucks another gun into the waistband of his pants.

They decide to sneak as close to the road as they can and shoot the guards with darts. Reece has a small explosive to get the door to the building open.

Evan checks with his binoculars again. “Reece, you go left toward the building while I go right. Julia, you stay hidden here until Reece has the field down.”

My heart pummels my chest. “How will I know it’s down?”

“There’ll be a flash and I’ll tell you to come down.”

Reece reaches for Evan and claps his arm around his back. “Good luck,” Reece says.

“You too, Reece.”

Reece and I stand several feet apart. I look into his face and try to smile as tears burn my eyes. He closes the distance and pulls me into a hug so tight I can’t breathe. “Don’t forget me.” I hear the tears in his voice. He steps back and touches my cheek, underneath the cut. “Take care of yourself, Newbie.”

“Why do you call me, Newbie?” I ask, but already the memory is there, her memory. “Second grade.” My tongue trips on the words. “P.E. We had a soccer unit and your team was full of kids who played and I never had. You called me Newbie.”

His eyes are glassy. He nods, biting his lower lip. “And for another reason.”

“What?” I choke out.

He smiles, his cocky smile that reminds me of a boy back home. “Come back sometime and I’ll tell you.”

And like that, the spell is broken. He turns to the road. “Time to go.” He slides the chamber of his gun and sprints toward the building.

HERE (On the Otherside Series, Book One)Where stories live. Discover now