Claco ;)))))

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It was a normal day for everyone in South Park, except for Clyde. Today was Tuesday, taco Tuesday, which was his favorite day of each month. Basically, tacos were his drug. You could put so many combinations together on that crispy shell. The shell didn't even have to be crispy!

He couldn't contain his excitement when he got to school. He didn't even pay attention to the teacher's lecture about how not paying attention could cause you to fail life. He could care less. Tacos were just around the corner. All he needed to do was wait for the bell to ring, signaling he, and everyone else, could go to lunch.

After the long wait of nothing but pointless shit from the teacher, the bell rang. Clyde ran from his classroom all the way to the cafeteria. Luckly, he was one of the first ones there. He didn't have to wait long to savor that shell of pure deliciousness.

Once Clyde finally got his food, he sat down at his table and waited for his friends. He came to the conclusion of they obviously didn't like taco Tuesday as much as him, so they walked, which would take a while. In the meantime, Clyde looked at his masterpiece in front of him. He couldn't wait to taste the ingredients, all perfect for each other. He couldn't wait to feel the different textures on his tongue. He couldn't wait to savor it all. He knew, this taco was special. As he was about to take a bite, he heard something.

"Clyde! Please don't eat me!" begged a voice. He stopped. Who was talking to him? Could...The taco be talking to him? He slowly turned his taco around. He didn't know what to expect. Was it actually the taco? He looked at the now showing side of the taco. It had a face!

"Woah, did you just say that?" Clyde asked, amazed.

"Yes!" The taco answered. "I don't want to be eaten! Please don't eat me!" Clyde was fascinated with this.

"I won't eat you, taco. Even though I want to, I won't, just for you." He answered with a smile. The taco turned a light shade of red.

"J-Just for me?"


"Oh...T-Thank you. You're so generous..." Clyde became a tad pink. He's received compliments all the time, but he felt this one was different.

"Why thank you! I bet you're generous yourself, not to mention crispy." He added with a wink. The taco blushed even harder.

"Y-You have a great personality, Clyde."

"I know! But...Does that mean I'm not pretty?" He asked, tears in his bright blue eyes.

The taco quickly answered back, "N-No! You're pretty! Very pretty in fact! No, beautiful!" Clyde blushed a very vibrant crimson. He has never be complemented that much. People usually say he's handsome, but this was different.

"Taco?" He asked.


"Kiss me. Right now." The taco became a blushing mess. Did he really just request them that? Clyde's eyes dissapeared under his eyelids as he closed them. The taco also closed its eyes, ready for what was about to happen. Clyde got closer, since the taco couldn't move. He began to sweat. He was just about to kiss the one thing he truly loved. They got closer, and closer, until they were an inch apart. They were ready. Just as their lips touched...


"Gah! W-What is it?"

"...He's doing it again."

"Oh for fucks sake Clyde! You do this every taco tuesday!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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