Roles Pt 3 Admins Only

38 2 41

The Doctor Annie-ArtKitty Taken
-Female or Male
-Knows everything there is to know about Prosjektmorder
-Tells the director when someone needs to be tortured
-Helps the Director Torture
-Pretty cruel
-Helps brainwash
-Is an expert in injures and can heal a bullet wound to the spine with no permanent damage overnight

The Counselor
-Is very calm
-Seems very nice
-Tells the Doctor when someone needs to be tortured or brainwashed
-Seems very trusting
-All of the agents trust her
-Even though the agents get tortured, they cannot say it to the others because the counselor threatened them
-That's why all of the Agents trust her
-Twins with the General

The General
-Twins with The counselor
-He's in charge of training
-Very violent
-The agents think he is a werewolf
-Super hairy
-Has a beard and long hair
-Hates Teenagers and Young Adults
-Loves to yell
-He has all the keys to everything
-Locks everyone up at night and during when they're going to be tortured

The Director's Second
-Male or Female
-Can do pretty much anything the director can do
-Knows everything there is to know about The Project
-Is a lot nicer than the Director
-Isn't always 100% there
-Is secretly mother/father to two of the agents (only I know who they are)
-Helps with everything
-Very Bipolar, one moment he is very kind, the next he wants to kill you

The Secretive One Taken By PunapplePerson
-Gender fluid
-They are very secretive
-Knows how they brainwash and the science behind it
-Invented the brainwashing concept
-Knows all about the experiments
-Siblings with one of the agents but only they know and their sibling doesn't
-Has all keys to unlock things
-Knows about everyone's secrets



Admins are:

Annie-ArtKitty Maybe? Your PM was slightly unclear...

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