Updates and end of hiatus! {A/N}

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Hey kiddos! Thanks for reading my story!!

It's been a while, oh boy. I took an unexpected hiatus for about 6 months, sorry about that! Really life got to me...

Anyways, I hope y'all are ready, because I've got some plans.. Not only will chapters be longer, but now I'll have an update schedule!! I have yet to figure out that schedule exactly, but it's coming along. I'm gonna be really trying to establish myself in the 2Doc department here, cos what's better than being a part of what you love, eh?

Not only will I be updating this story more, but I've got a second story on its way! I'll leave the contents to be a surprise, but prepare for some angst ;)

That's all I've got for today, I can't wait to see y'all in the next chapter of Migraines and Makeouts!

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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