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Sound seemed muffled,like I was underwater. The only clear sound was the rythmic pulsing of my own heart beat in my ears. The only  feelings were the stinging sensation on my wrists, accompanied by the warm sticky trickle of blood, aside from that I can feel the cool tiles of the bathroom floor. There's a loud banging on the door and yelling, its mere feet away but it sounds so distant. My body feels incredibly tired at this point, I guess the pills are finally kicking in. I glance over, with my blurry vision I can see the open and emptied bottle of pills and the silver shine of the slightly rusted razor blade that now coated with blood...I can hear my heart beat slowing as my vision darkens. As all sense begins to fade the final sound I heard before slipping into the cool embrace of the dark is the drops coming from the leaky faucet,and my blood dripping onto the floor.

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