Chapter 2

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marvelbutmostlyloki: How did you find my account?

smithnwesson: Idk I probably followed you months ago and then I forgot

smithnwesson: It's not like I was expecting to find people I knew on here

smithnwesson: This was a nice surprise

marvelbutmostlyloki: So you like Marvel?

smithnwesson: But mostly Loki

smithnwesson: Totally joking btw Tony's the best

marvelbutmostlyloki: If you had said anyone other than Tony, I would have blocked you ASAP, but I can get saying Tony's better than Loki (even though he's not).

smithnwesson: He is but you're welcome to be wrong

smithnwesson: How long have you had your tumblr

marvelbutmostlyloki: I don't know, it's been a while.

smithnwesson: Is that what you're always doing on your phone in class

marvelbutmostlyloki: I hope you realize how creepy that sounds.

smithnwesson: ...

smithnwesson: Okay point taken

smithnwesson: But is it cuz that would make sense cuz tumblrs addicting

marvelbutmostlyloki: Well, I'm not always on my phone in class, but when I finish my work and have free time, yes, I'm usually on tumblr

marvelbutmostlyloki: What class do we have together?

smithnwesson: Not telling you

marvelbutmostlyloki: Why?

smithnwesson: Because I don't want you to know who I am

marvelbutmostlyloki: First of all, that's not fair. Second, I'm not going to figure out who you are based on what class we have together. My smallest class is still 18 people.

smithnwesson: Ik but I'm still not telling you

marvelbutmostlyloki: Are you purposely making this harder than it has to be?

smithnwesson: ?

marvelbutmostlyloki: Assuming we keep talking, I'm going to figure out who you are eventually. I already know you're in one of my classes, so that narrows it down to probably 90 people. I already know you're a guy, because you mentioned it when you said you didn't want to talk to me because you thought I would be homophobic because I come from a religious family. That's down to about 45 people. I've narrowed it down a lot. I'll figure it out sooner or later.

smithnwesson: I'm sorry I thought this was Castiel not Sherlock Holmes

marvelbutmostlyloki: That's not impressive. I'm just trying to figure out who you are as we're talking.

smithnwesson: Well it's cute

smithnwesson: But you didn't take into account that I could know you from classes in the past

smithnwesson: It's only interesting that you were always in your phone because you still did really well in every single class

smithnwesson: So no

smithnwesson: You have more than 45 people to think about

marvelbutmostlyloki: Dammit.

smithnwesson: But I'm sure you'll figure it out

smithnwesson: Eventually

smithnwesson: Maybe 20 years from now

smithnwesson: Good luck

marvelbutmostlyloki: Fuck you.

smithnwesson: Damn Cas at least take me out to dinner first

marvelbutmostlyloki: That's not what I meant and you know it.

smithnwesson: Obviously but that was funny

marvelbutmostlyloki: Not really.

smithnwesson: It was but go off I guess

marvelbutmostlyloki: I hope you realize that the more we talk, the less I like you.

smithnwesson: Oh that was not the plan

marvelbutmostlyloki: Then change your attitude.

smithnwesson: What attitude

smithnwesson: I don't have an attitude

smithnwesson: I'm just naturally adorable

marvelbutmostlyloki: Not the word I would have used.

smithnwesson: And what word would that be

marvelbutmostlyloki: Probably something along the lines of an asshole.

smithnwesson: Ouch

smithnwesson: What did I ever do to you

marvelbutmostlyloki: Literally this whole conversation.

smithnwesson: Okay it's not that bad

marvelbutmostlyloki: Well, no, when you know both parties involved, I'm sure it doesn't seem too bad. I, on the other hand, am completely in the dark.

smithnwesson: ... oh

There's a loud knock on Castiel's door, grabbing his attention before he can respond.

"Hey, Castiel, dinner time!" his brother Gabriel's familiar voice yells.

"What's for dinner?" Castiel asks loudly.

"Pizza," Gabriel says. "I get seven pieces, and you can have one. Bye!"

Castiel groans, flopping back on his bed. He's so annoying.

smithnwesson: Are you still here?

marvelbutmostlyloki: Got to go.

smithnwesson: Well message me soon okay I like talking to you

Castiel just rolls his eyes and clicks his phone off. He'd like nothing more than to be done with this creep, but he's too curious about his identity to swear himself off of him.

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