p r o l o g u e

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My name is Ashton, and i'm a hacker. I usually hack teens precious tumblr accounts. 

I usually just delete everything and change the profile picture to a black picture with one white line in the middle, it's my trademark. 

So before I hack the account, I talk to the owner to try and get information. To make it easier to hack.

One day I decided to hack the tumblr account @lejit. While I was talking to her, I found out the user name was her initials, Jade India Taylor. I'll get to the point, I didn't hack her account. My friend did.

We talked every day, twice a day. I learned a lot about her, and her about me. Over time we became best friends. But what will think when I tell her the reason she lost her account was because of me.

Jade will think I used her, that is not at all what happened. My best friend Michael, hacks with me. He called me a wuss for not going on with it. So he did it himself.

She texted me saying that her account was taken over, and that it was very important to her. She put a lot of personal feeling on there, and that is was her therapy. Now it's gone. \

no, i'm not obligated to tell her, but the guilt eats me alive. Every day. Jade isn't the same. She always seems sad, and never wants to talk. 

We were supposed to meet this Sepetember and now that chance is gone. It's time to get revenge. Even if it is my best friend. 


i'm sorry, this probably sucks. But the story will be bettet than this i promise. The tumblr user name I made up, I have no clue if it is a real account. So yeah, leave your comments about what you think x

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