The Capture and transformation of the Black Widow

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I've always had a knack for self-preservation. It's served me well over the years. So when Hydra was revealed to the public, I knew it was time to leave that organization behind. And I was right. Soon enough, every Hydra member that stayed to fight was taken down by the Avengers or other heroes.
I left at the perfect time. Along with a handful of other ex-Hydra that I had managed to recruit, I had created a nice little business for myself selling weapons to the highest bidder. Life was good, I was rich, but I knew my past would come back to haunt me some day.
The sudden sound of gunfire in the distance tells me there's trouble. I run to safety, while my men delayed the intruders. That's what they're paid for, after all. But when I look on the security monitors, I see only one person assaulting your compound, the famous Black Widow.

 But when I look on the security monitors, I see only one person assaulting your compound, the famous Black Widow

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I could escape, but this was another opportunity to turn apparent misfortune to my advantage. When I left Hydra, I managed to take the latest project from their science department with me. It was designed to alter the mind of any subject to suit the user's purposes. I've been dying to test it out, and who better to put under my control than the world's deadliest, and sexiest, spy.

As I watch Natasha Romanoff expertly take down my men, my mind races with all the uses I could have for such a woman. She should be at my door any minute now. Watching her on the corridor's camera I rush to my sideboard, pulling open the draw and lifting out two devices, a large two handed prototype gun and a smaller device that I palm into my pocket. Prepared I set the weapon up, business end pointed at the door. Natasha quickly deals with the guards and begins searching the building until only one closed door has yet to be opened. That must be the room she's looking for. Natasha opens the door and steps inside. I see the door open and let rip with the weapon. It fires a sonic blast that shuts down her neural processes over bodily control, freezing everything but her head in place.

I: Hello Natasha!

Natasha instantly freezes as she's hit by the blast, cursing herself for being foolish enough to walk into a trap. She struggles to escape, but finds she can't move anything but her head. She spots you as she looks around.

Natasha: What do you want from me?

I: I want you Ms Romanoff. This time you won't escape!

She continues to struggle to move, but still can't move a muscle outside of her head and neck. She decides to play for time.

Natasha: How are you doing this?

I: Hydra tech. Pilfered it a while back..

I stroll over, discarding the gun, raising a hand to caress the side of her face. She tries to pull back from your touch, but it's no use.

I: You're so sweet when you're helpless.

Some of your fingers gets too close to her mouth and she bites down on them.

I: Ah! Oh we'll have to fix that now won't we... that won't do any good at all when you're my mindless slave!

Whispering this to her into her ear.

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