number thirty eight

387 32 8

Here is our final recommendation!


N U M B E R  T H I R T Y  E I G H T 

by neverrland

Jane and Yates: two young people whose story needed to be told.

click the external link to read >>>


Well that's it, that is our July NanoPromo! We want to thank you all so much for your support and we really hope you enjoyed this past month of writing and reading! We will be doing this again in November for the actual NaNoWriMo so fan this account and keep an eye out for that!

Also if you are not aware we have a project called Chère Chére, which aims to spread positivity amongst Wattpad users, so you should check that out!

Thank you all again, we couldn't have done it without you! Have a good day! 

From, theletterbox.

nanowrimo promotions [july]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat