let's play cupid

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L E T ' S  P L A Y  C U P I D

by treblehearts

"If Cupid can't do it right," he said, "you have to do it yourself."

* * *

Everyone knows the role of Cupid and what his magical arrows do. You get hit, and you fall in love, right? But did anyone ever think that Cupid ever messed up? That the great God didn't do his job right with to whom he shot those arrows at?

Well Megan did.

After watching her own father leave before her very eyes and leaving his family absolutely heartbroken, her silly thoughts about Cupid's abilities were pierced with her own arrow and ripped to shreds when she was a child. Megan and her family are able to pick themselves up as the years go by and recover from the abandonment, but Megan doesn't miss the lingering love her mom still has for her husband.

Collin West is quite aware of his coach's refusal to search for his one true love, and he's willing to do anything to find the perfect match that his coach deserves. So when he find's out Megan has the same plan for her mom, he immediately jumps at the chance.

Two adults looking for love. Two teens with a goal. Collin and Megan are joining up to play Cupid; however, with their rusty techniques, maybe they'll hit themselves with the love arrows as well.

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