by mae

316 10 2

Prompt: high school! au troyler :3


Damn, that’s today, thought Troye. It was his 3rd day of high school, and he couldn’t even figure out how to get to his locker, let alone the auditorium. Besides, he didn’t even know if he wanted to join the drama club. He wasn’t super outgoing by any means like most of those kids so he probably wouldn’t fit in, right? No, stop talking yourself out of this! You need to get out of your comfort zone, make some friends! Troye scolded himself. Okay, he could do this. He was going to the meeting, and that was final.

"Why HELLO there, my name is Tyler Oakley and welcome to Kerton High’s Drama Club meeting! What’s your name cutie?" 

Troye looked up at the glowing older boy and blushed a bit, scuffling his feet and looking down again before answering “Um, it’s Troye…with like, an e.”

"Nice to meet you, Troye with like an e," Tyler pursed his lips to hold back a teasing smirk. "I’m senior president of the club, and I must say we would love to have you. Don’t get too many stunners around here. You interested in theatre?”

Did he just call me attractive? Oh my god, what do I say? He’s so cute, but I can’t let anyone know that I’m…. nevermind. Stay cool, Troye. Professional. No, friendly. "Yeah, I act sometimes but I’m more of a singer. Actually, I want to produce my own album one day. I know that sounds dumb, it’s more of a fantasy." Way to go, give him your whole life story why don’t you.

"That doesn’t sound dumb at all. We should get coffee or something later, okay? I’d love to hear more about your… fantasies.” Tyler trailed off, meeting the younger boy’s wide blue eyes with a seductive grin.

"Um, I- Wh-I-," Troye sputtered, he could feel a blush rising in his cheeks. WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, TROYE YOU CAN NOT SAY YE- “Okay.” Troye managed, surprising both Tyler and himself.  Who am I right now.

"Ugh, you’re precious. I’ll pick you up at the back entrance. Now I have to go run this meeting, so get your cute little twink bottom to a chair, preferably one in the front so I can look into those ocean blue eyes of yours." Tyler asserted before whipping around and strutting towards the stage. 

What……a nice ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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