Me- So how long you and Liv been together

Will- Oh no no no we're not together she's my side piece.

Me- So you have a girlfriend?

Will- yeah been together for about 10 months minus one though we were split for a while.

Me- Oh why you cheating

Will- Its a jealousy thing. Liv was all over me I mean it was so easy and Kai, well she had been seeing this nigga named Jordan during our break

Me- But that doesn't make it right

Will- I know but I can't help it

Me- You don't really love Kai do you?

Will- I do! it would kill me if I saw her with another nigga

Me- but you're out here cheating!?

Will- You know what I dont even know why im telling this shit, weirdo.

He speed walked off to his car.  I was just about to call August but I saw someone I knew.


Me- basically i ended up getting so turnt I completely forgot but then it clicked to me when I came to your house before the flight and it was awkward.

My heart shattered at the sight of Kai holding in her tears while listening to the story.

Amairy- I am not having this!

She sprung up from her seat and walked over to the elevator.

Amairy- This is all we fucking need right? Especially with this crazy shit we got going on back home.

August- Amairy calm down, Kai what do you want us to do?

Kai- Don't say nothing.

Amairy- What!?

Kai- Please, let me deal with it.

We all got in the lift and went back up to our Suite in silence.

Will- Baby what's wrong?

He hugged Kai, he looked at me kinda nervous.

Amairy- Oh don't worry about it Will, Just hormones.

She pulled a fake smile and walked off rolling her eyes.

He let out a sigh of relief.

Will- Come on lets go to the room.

All was quiet in the house till.


Everyone looked at each other. August was about to go in the room but she had stormed out.

She looked at us and smiled. Then she ran for the front door straight away. There was no stopping her.

She was gone with the wind.

Jordans POV

Damn its been a while

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Damn its been a while... I know. Im here in London for a basketball tournament. Me and my team mates are just gonna get something to eat before we go back to out hotel rooms to just you know chill.

We're in the mcdonald's, I kinda prefer it back home but whatever. I was waiting for them to call my order and something caught my attention. Well me and the guys attention.

Sully- Yo, J C look look. These english girls got cake.

He was abit loud so I guess she heard. She turned around about to say something. Wait,

Me- Kaidence?

She didn't hesitate to jump on me. Who would've thought.

Kai- Oh my gosh Jordan I've missed you so much.

I felt my shirt get a little wet.

Me- Why you crying?

Kai- Because I've missed you and so much is going on right now.

Me-Wanna come back to my hotel room?

She paused then nodded. We got our food and we left. I completely disregarded my team mates. The love of my life is infront of me here and they think im gonna stay with them, I aint gay.

We walked a couple blocks till my hotel. When we had got to my room we sat down and ate.

Kai- How have you been?

Me- I've been good. I've missed you

Kai- Yeah, me too

Me- So whats been going on

Kai- Well for starters Im pregnant

My heart broke into millions of pieces.

Me- Congratulations, Im happy for you

She tilted her head and gave me the "really?" look.

Me- I mean of course Im kinda jealous, I wish it was my baby in your belly right now but Im still really happy for you. My bestfriend is pregnant .

She cheesed, always gets her excited when I call her my bestfriend .

Kai- But, Will cheated on me

Me- wtf why?

Kai- Cos of you apparently.

Me- Me? what did I do

Kai- He said he did it because I used to talk to you when we were broken up.

Best times of my life

Me- Oh, so its a revenge kinda thing

Kai- Yeah, but whatever. He needs to grow up if he ever wants to be with me again

Me- You'd take him back? Again?

Kai- I don't know Jordan. No? Yes? Probably? Maybe not?

She stood up throwing her trash away. She threw herself on my bed.

Kai- Come on J, I know you've got some stories to tell me. Tell me about all the girls you've fucked

I chuckled and jumped on the bed beside her. My heavy ass nearly bounced her off, I caught her though.

Kai- Try kill my ass

Me- It was an accident 

She giggled. 

I got comfortable and started to tell her some stories. 

Kai- Eww J, you're a hoe

She giggled

Me- But its weird because I kept on thinking about one specific girl 

Kai rolled over and faced me, shaking her head.I nodded 

Me- Yes, you. I don't think I'll ever stop loving you 

She looked me deep in my eyes  

Kai- Jordan please 

Me- No you need to hear this. It hurts Kai, it hurts that you're with Will, it hurts me that Im over here on social media watching the love of MY life with someone else. I want you Kai, for myself and nobody else. Be mine again Kai. I'll love you like Will could never. Long distance or whatever I dont care I love you. 

She sighed while wiping a tear away from her eye. 

Kai- But Jordan, I have a baby on the way. Will's baby. That's gonna be-

Me- Sssshhh I dont care, I'll love the child like he or she's my own. And I wont ever cheat. 

She smiled and nodded.

Kai- Just don't play with me

Me- Never.

I pecked her lips

::If I ride for you::Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα