Chapter 2

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Justin sat quietly in the back of the limo browsing through different text messages he had received the night before. He had come to Memphis to visit his family and attempt to get some much needed rest, but somehow found himself doing more promoting than relaxing. He was visibly exhausted from all the running around, all the interviews, endless surprise appearances and performances around town, but mostly all the questions unrelated to his upcoming album. He was growing sick and tired of constantly hearing about his past relationships and having to field questions about a very private part of his life. The part he had tried to keep sheltered from the outside world.

As he replied to a text, he yelled up front and asked Kyle, "Two more phone interviews and them I'm done right?"

"Yeah." Kyle yelled back. “I'm on hold for the phone interview now. By the time you're done that one, we’ll be at the radio station for your second interview and you’re clear for the rest of the afternoon till tonight.”

Justin leaned back in his seat, grabbing a notebook from his bag. When he flipped open the book he smiled to himself, spotting the Polaroid he had found earlier in the week taped to the inside cover. He didn't know what was making him hold onto it. Maybe it was the fact that when he looked at it, he somehow felt calmed by its simplicity. The young woman seemed so content with life. A free spirit somewhere out there in the world living a simple existence…At least compared to his, he thought to himself. She seemed at ease.  She wasn’t worrying about having to hire security just to go out. She didn’t have to be burdened with paparazzi camping outside of her house or chasing her down the street. She was probably out there somewhere having a cup of coffee at a small café, sitting outside enjoying the sun beaming down on her face. Perhaps she was quietly reading a book off in the corner of a Barnes & Nobles. She was in all likelihood walking freely down the street without having to worry about who was gawking at her or following her. He envied this woman. He looked around at all the recent chaos in his life hoping and praying he could once again experience more moments like the one she seemed to be having in that very same photo that he couldn’t seem to put down.

Justin loved the success and enjoyed the fame. He even relished in all the attention, but there were times where he wished for some peace, quiet, and simplicity. That’s why he had come home for the week. Time with his family always seemed to set his mind at ease. But Kyle was determined to promote, promote, promote, when all Justin wanted to do was relax and enjoy his grandma’s cooking. He wanted to sit around and have his mom spoil him in the morning with a large stack of pancakes and bacon. He wanted to hit the bar with Trace and just have drinks and a few laughs with friends.

“Yes, we’re all set to go. I’m handing the phone off to him now.” Kyle said before reaching his arm into the backseat and giving him the phone. Justin closed his eyes and took a deep breath before finally placing the phone to his ear.


Serena glanced over at Kerri, who was visibly nervous. She couldn’t keep her hands still, grabbing at the front of her suit jacket, trying to straighten it out for the tenth time. She watched Kerri take slow deep breaths as they waited for the elevator to reach the lobby. Kerri had a ritual when it came to things like this. She would always be anxious up till the very moment it was time to take care of business and then BAM, she would go straight into attack mode.

The ding of the elevator brought them both out of their own minds. On the way up to the 12th floor, Serena went over everything that they were going to discuss in the meeting.

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