america x reader (crack shot)

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//warning this one shot contains a confusing story line continue with caution//

Y/n Y/l/n had always hated the  horrid (y/t/n) highschool with its cruel, crooked city. It was a place where she felt hurt.

She was a quite, artist, punch drinker with brused lips and curvy hips. Her friends saw her as an alerting attractive angle. Once, she had even jumped into a river and saved the  screeching smexy Francis. That's the sort of woman she was.
Y/n walked over to the window and reflected on her loud surroundings. The rainy teased like dancing ferrets.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Alfred Jones. Alfred was a smart......ish hot dude with skinny lips and a attractive face.
Y/n gulped. She was not prepared for Alfred.
As Y/n stepped outside and Alfred came closer, she could see the spewmungous glint in his eye.
Alfred gazed with the affection of 8944 cute klutzy korgis. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want you."
Y/n looked back, even more afraid and still fingering the hard notbook. "Alfred, I'm in love with you," she replied.
They looked at each other with confused feelings, like two cool, cute cats kisssing at a very wierd prom, which had romantic music playing in the background and two strong bodyguards dancing to the beat.
Suddenly, Alfred lunged forward and tried to punch Y/n in the face. Quickly, Y/n grabbed the hard notbook and brought it down on Alfred's skull.
Alfred's skinny lips trembled and his attractive body wobbled. He looked lonley, his emotions showed anger,sadness and confusion,
Then he let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Alfred Jones was taken to a mental hospital.
Y/n Y/l/n went back inside and made herself a nice drink of punch."I'll never for get you love."

//Please keep comments family friendly//

Y/n-your name
Y/l/n-your last name
Y/t/n-your towns name)

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