"The meeting"

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It was the first day of school ,every one was busy passing through the halls .

and me as regular teenager who as people know wakes up late as usual ,i was too busy running across the halls rushing all the way to my classroom when suddenly boom! I bumped into something , my books flew every where ,the papers are scattered on the floor .embarrassed my head remained held down then suddenly i felt fingers on my jaw tilting it up . That's when my hazel eyes met his piercing blue eyes ,those eyes the way he looks right down into me 

he muttered words to me that sound gibberish because my brain was too preoccupied to focus.

yes ! he was yelling at me obviously being furious because i ruined his favorite leather jacket it was too late when i saw his shirt got smeared with his chocolate drink ,dang it was all over him ,on his jacket ,his shirt ,and his jeans. boy he looks like his ready for the kill for awhile he scared me and heck i thought he will pounce on me, instead i felt his lips pressing on mine.

My eyes grew wide i was trying to fight him but i was too weak .

everything was new to me i cant believe some jerk stole my first kiss . In anger i slapped him then he looked at me and waved his pointer finger on my face saying uh! oh !little tiger that is what you get from being stupid

slap me one more time i'll hit your face woman!

from now on you are my girlfriend and you would do everything as i say get it catch my drift my belle? i looked at him with my hands on my waist saying who the hell do you think you are to think you can just walk around and kiss somebody you perv?!!! and don"t you dare touch me .

Me your girlfriend ,in your dreams bastard . are you nuts , are you crazy ?you disgusting insensitive jerk!!!! 

he smirked at me i have kissed your lips a thousand times in my dreams baby. after hearing him say that i then turned around hiding my face with my arm feeling those big hot tears falling from my eyes i ran as fast as i could . but he caught me and carried me like a potato sack i was kicking him and hitting him with my fist but he still wont put me down

I kicked him down there I saw him groan ,i ran real fast.

finally being away from him ,my best friend Anessey saw me running back to my classroom and with her big loud voice she screamed at me you are an hour late Shekainah Nile Micah Chang you missed our first subject  ,where the hell are you its the first day of school for crying out loud? sssh I'm sorry Anessey no need to say my whole name .its just some psycho emo gangster boy ......ugh never mind lets just get in side. I was about to open the door when she grabbed my arm and with a low tone of voice she whispered saying Wait what, Nile you mean you bumped into Asa Zachrey RavenHauff The school's bad boy? The leader of the blue serpents,gurrrl you're dead beat from what i heard he beats up girls too ,he has this hobby of torturing idiots who annoy him, he's cold blooded, he's merciless,he's dangerous ,he's deadly , he's a destruction , he toys people just for fun . he destroys everything that piss him off . every one feared him ,they obey him no one is gutsy to go against him .

one wrong move .one wrong word in front of him ,you're a cadaver .

he is a demon , a living beast  . he kills the worthless and makes the worthy suffer . you want peace in the campus  then beware of the ferocious  beast   , Asa RavenHauff Is an animal his not human . so girl don't mess with him  he will bring you chaos .

he is an underground fighter ,he mastered a lot of marshal arts, his a frat member and a gangster and the gang leader plus he breaks the face of anyone who gets in his way . 

yeah i know from the looks of it you can tell i was petrified by the thought alone ,yes i am scared i mean i don't want to die yet and i knew i was in hell a lot of trouble .my head was spinning but in a way i feel safe inside our classroom just when i am about to take my seat . My eyes froze because of what i heard , i stood there staring at the blackboard i was too scared to look back .

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