Chapter II

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I pull up at the school's parking lot and hop out of the car. I adjust my jacket and grab my backpack. I look around the lot and catch every girl staring at me. More like checking me out. I smirk and walk into the school.

"What's up Luke" My friend says as we do our handshake.
"Guy I wanna have some. I've been a saint through out the break." I chuckled remembering how I had to pretend to be so good just for my mom. I didn't really go out but I really bonded with my Mom. I could see how happy she was and that just always made my day.

"You know you can have any girl you want. Just pick one and you know the rest." Dillon, my best friend says out of nowhere. I turned around and we did our handshake before giving each other bro hugs.
"Yeah I know bro. How was your trip to Spain?" My best friend went to Spain for the break. Dillon is from a rich and influential home. His father owns a multi-billion dollars company. He could afford just anything. He even drives the latest Porsche.

"It was amazing. Spanish girls are really hot. Had a lot of fun." He says smirking. He was also a ladies man just like me. We didn't have to try, the girls are always the ones chasing. They were obsessed much. We were always the centre of attention with the boys giving us jealous stares and the girls drooling and giving puppy eyes. Well I'm not complaining though.

Someone catches my eye. I squint my eyes a bit to see the girl well. She was laughing with a group of girls. She looks so beautiful even though I could not see her whole face. I could see her pink plump lips moving.
Just then, the bell rings and they start heading towards our direction. Now I could see the girl. It's Iris.

I never knew she attends North-West High School. Or could she have been attending this school? But there's no way you can't notice her. She stands out of the crowd and no one can fail to notice her beautiful angelic face. She has dark golden Auburn wavy hair with golden highlights. She has the most beautiful amber eyes with beautiful pink plump lips. She has a beautiful hourglass figure. She is the definition of perfect.

"Hey Luke who are you looking at?" Dillon asks putting his hand on my shoulder.
"No one really. Let's get to class, we don't want to be marked late on the first day. " I say adjusting my backpack. He nods and we head to our first period, English.

I walk out of the classroom , sighing in relief. Calculus is the worst class ever. It's so boring and Mr Jefferson doesn't even allow phones in his class. I would have been texting or listening to some badass music.

I walk into the cafeteria heading towards our table. I sit on my usual seat before looking around. Dillon is not anywhere to be found, meaning he has gone to grab lunch for us.
"Sup guys" I say smiling. Everyone is around, well except Dillon and Ashley. I'm glad she is not here.  She's just too clingy and spreads rumors that I'm her boyfriend. She's too obsessed and I've tried explaining that we are not in any relationship.  Just friends with benefits.

"Hey everyone. Hey Babe" Shit.  Talk about the devil. Ashley sits on the seat next to mine and pecks me. She then winks at me and moves closer so that her bööbs are touching my arm.  I shift away from her.

"Hey Ashley. How was your trip to Paris?" Chloe asks grabbing everyone's attention. The chick is really hot. She catches me staring and winks at me. I smirk at her causing her to drool. 

Ashley rants about her trip for two minutes before Dillon arrives just in time with my lunch. Well two minutes late. He hands me my lunch which is hamburger and Pepsi.

The rest of lunch was spent by the girls ranting about how they spent their break. I was just thinking about Iris. Has she really been in this school since? Or did she just start attending, maybe she just transferred here?

So here's the second chapter.  I don't really like it but here it is.  Please vote comment and share.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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