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"i don't wanna go to school today but i can't miss another lesson! mrs. bang is going to throw hands at me again for being late. 😩👊"


baejinnieee if you just started walking to school instead of posting on your sns then you wouldn't be late :)))
yuriri good luck mrs. bang just arrived
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chatters started to get louder by the minute and the short hair had woken up from her nap. she was always the first one to arrive to school so it became a routine to take a small nap and have her classmates wake her up. with their classroom being loaded with the noisy ones, it was quite a convenience to have human alarms for mihyun.

"mihyun! did you study for the quiz later?" her friend asked as soon as she spotted the said girl.

"come on, seul, it's too early to talk about that. you're ruining my mood and my mind." donghyuck scrunched his face up in a disgusted manner as he masaged his temple while the latter just shrugged him off.

sighing, mihyun eyed the two from each of her sides and took a brown notebook from her bag. donghyuck leaned closer to take a scan at her notes but seulbi shoved him away.

"i thought it's too early for studying?" she stuck her tongue out while the boy folded his arms in defeat.

they all snapped their head as the door slammed open. two boys entered the class confidently.

"good morning! how's everyone doing here?" the blonde greeted.

"we're good felix, and isn't your class next room?" sanha asked from behind.

"let him be, he's not here for you anyway." jisung replied as he sat on his seat, felix immediately going to his girlfriend.

mihyun spared another glance at the two and went back to studying. in a matter of seconds, the two people beside her managed to get into another cat fight, which happens almost everyday and mihyun couldn't do anything but shake her head at her friends' childishness. she soon stood up and went into a vacant chair away from the two.

"no one sits here, right?" she asked jisung, who was seated beside it and he nodded in reply as he motioned for her to sit down.

jisung was one popular boy in campus, as cliche as that sounds. except for his looks and personality, he was known among the seniors as the match maker. he was able to help a lot of his friends with their crushes and whatnot as if a psychic.

mihyun was always curious about his title but she keeps it lowkey. she wanted to know whether he could help her with her crush, which no one probably knew. mihyun was pretty and smart, this a lot of student admire her for. but she was never engaged in a relationship even once so people always thought she was too busy studying to worry about those kind of things.

her thoughts were cut off by the ringing of the bell, signaling the start of their first period. her classmates scurried to their seats, felix running to the door. mihyun was about to walk to her seat but stopped immediately, seeing the aussie.

"hey felix!" she yelled for him to stop and he hummed in reply.

"i—is no one absent from your class?" she hesitated to ask while the latter thought for a second before answering.

"none that i know of." he trailed off. "why'd you ask?"

"uh, nothing." she replied shortly, avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

"oh, okay. i'll get going now. bye, jisung and mihyun!" he turned and skipped his way out of the room.

she sighed in relief, a small smile creeping on her face as she went back to her chair.

jisung watched her, eyes following her every move. "interesting, mihyun likes someone from another class. i wonder who it is."


i wanted to name her as close to minho and this was the closest i could think of lmao

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