Chapter 2

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A week after the death of Tonya, Patrick had gone back to normal, he was teaching at local school in Boston, USA.

So there Patrick was, teaching English, explaining the assignment.

"Now this story has to make me somewhat emotional, try your best. Any questions?" Patrick says, one girl raised her hand.

"Mr Ric, are you married?" the girl asked, her name was Amy Pond.

Amy Pond was an old friend of Patrick, a girl who could dream and while she was dreaming she could travel to universes.

"Yes I am. Why do you ask?" Patrick asked.

"Because you have a wedding band on your finger, but you never talk about your wife" Amy said, Patrick stayed silent.

The bell went, Amy stayed behind.

"Why did you really ask, Amy?" Patrick asked, his Irish accent thick.

"I had this dream, I saw a girl. She was a brunette, pretty one, she said something" Amy said, remembering the dream and Stella, dressed in a black leather suit with guns and holsters.

"What was her name? What did she say?"

"I don't know her name, but she said 'It's breaking, the universe is cracking. The Darkness is coming.... Tell Patrick' and then I woke up"

-Parallel universe- (Stella's POV)

I walked outside, dressed in a black suit like Natasha Romanoff from the MCU, guns and holsters strapped to my body.

I looked up at the sky, it was changing multiple colors. I saw jade suddenly appear in front of me, she had two daggers strapped to her thighs.

"If I can somehow get to this universe, it means something is coming. Hey Stella, Patrick misses you" Jade said.

"I miss him too" I said, standing back from Jade, "What's happening?" I asked.

"Not sure. But I'm hoping we can get you back to Patrick. He's literally lost the plot, killed his new girlfriend last week, that was funny" Jade answered, I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

The sky started to get brighter and brighter, but it turned pitch black.

"Okay, I assume that's not good" Jade said, acting a little frightened.

"Well fuck...." I muttered. Jade then took my hand and said a few words.

-Real World-

"When you see Stella. Tell her I-I-I.....Oh, I think she already knows" Patrick said, smiling to himself.

"Why don't you tell her yourself" Amy said, seeing Stella standing there on the oval.

Patrick turned around and smiled, he started running towards Stella and she ran towards him.

one minute later they were now standing in front of one another.

"I thought I'd never see you again" Stella said, letting a deep breath. Patrick didn't say a word, instead he kissed her.

"Let's go home" Patrick said.

-Many Hours later-

Patrick looked at Stella's sleeping figure which was only covered by a sheet, the sun was starting rise.

He looked at hickey's he left on Stella's body: Neck, breasts and a couple on her stomach. He smirked, remembering what he done the night before. Stella stirred in her sleep, turning her back to him.

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