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As both of you now sat awkwardly next to eachother, you decided to continue the small talk.

"How is Linn-Chan doing?"

Linn, aka the bitch who always smirks at me while walking besides Tooru, AKA IWAIZUMI COUSIN.

She got pretty close to Tooru, which got some attention off me time to time. Hearing the rumors that surprisingly  weren't about me, would be about Linn.

But her being in the fangirl group of Tooru, no one took her in a negative way. Most fangirls took this as a fact that they have a huge chance with Oikawa sense they are also fangirls just like Linn.

"She hates you..." Tooru stated, giving you the cold shoulder he looked away.
Making you laugh slightly,
"Well I'm pretty sure I knew that sense day one"

The nurse now came, and both of us explained to her why we were sitting in her office after school hours.

As she treated everything both of you now headed back to the gym, passing a soccer field where the both, boys and girls, soccer team were practicing.

"look down...

Just look down (Y/n)"

You thought to yourself as you looked at your shoes not to be seen by the other players.
While you were walking, you spotted one male that constantly catcalled you in the hallways.

Looking down at your shoes, you hear couple of people yelling. Looking up to see who was yelling, you see a ball flying right into you. Making you startled.


Before I almost closed my eyes I could see someone from behind me grabbing the ball that was right in front of my face. Blinking couple on times, I looked up to see Oikawa holding the ball, and then throwing it back on the field.

Now slightly blushing you looked away.

"Be careful next time girls~!" He exclaimed flirtatiously while gesturing me to start walking.

"Always happy to help (Y/n)-Cha- Sorry"
"It's fine Tooru-San" You said as you now slightly laughed.

(Y/n) (L/n), a talented volleyball player.

Someone I met after getting a dare to steal her heart.

I wonder why she always looks so sad. She starts to have dark circles under her eyes, and her hair gets messier every week.

Does she get enough sleep? I hope so
What if she is struggling with homework?

She's always smiling now, she changed so much compared to when I first met her.

So bright,
And yet so cold and sarcastic.

"So how are your soulmate scores (L/n)-Chan?" I now asked, while opening the doors to the gym.

"It says that it found I match, but I don't know who it is"

I do.

"That's great" I said, trying not to sound sad or disappointed.
"I have to meet up with him in the park tomorrow...so I'm pretty nervous"
"You shouldn't be...if he is your soulmate then everything should work out for both of you.."


I got attached to (Y/n) so much that the jealousy is eating me away...slowly.

"Eh, even tho it 'should' work out doesn't mean it will"

I had nothing to say, as I looked at her now smiling.

"Let's go! I'll beat you as a setter soon if u don't start practicing!!" She now said as she happily jogged away to the court.

As you jogged away from Oikawa, you realized something that truly changed while you stopped talking with Oikawa as much.

And that reason was...


This thought hit you right in front of the volleyball court, where you were now standing in the middle, dazed in your thought.

You hated Oikawa for being fake.
For always being 'happy'
Always 'smiling like a little puppy.

But now...
you realized that it was you.

Happily jogging away from people, smiling, making jokes...all of it was a,


You acted happy around the people you cared about, while you were exhausted without sleeping even full 3 hours.

"Hey (L/n)-Chan are you okay?" While one the first years asked me who I didn't talk to as much yet. "Y-yeah"


After set.

My thoughts went deeper down, while my emotions sinked in. While the words of other people, started to take an affect on me. Making my sets and passes sloppier then


Great...I'll get screamed at again.

As you dragged your feet across the well polished floor of the gym, you felt your body getting heavier every second you walked. As you came up to the coach, he glanced at Tooru and you in disappointment, now shaking his head slowly.

"Both of your sets were off. What happened?"
"Nothing" both Tooru and I reply at the same time.

"No it's not "nothing" both of you are going to be required to spend time with each other from now on, both of your sets are becoming too sloppy that even a 5 year old probably couldn't hit it properly, I'm sure both of you can learn from each other or at least get better, so your sets would at least be good enough for anyone on the team to hit it."


You know...i know that I didn't talk to Tooru at all this past few...months. But I got a really bad feeling about this.
"You are now dismissed, 2nd years! You clean up today!"

As I packed up, and walked out of the gym, I heard the coach now talking to Oikawa to head home with me.

"Hey fattie! Waiting for your boyfriend?" One of the girls from a basketball team yelled my way, snickering under her breath.

"N-" I wanted to reply before a closing door of the gym interrupted me, making me look behind me of who shut it.

"Hi Lele-Chan, Mei-Chan and Niko-Chan!" Oikawa waved and which caused the three rude girls to giggle and wheeze in happiness, in a disgusting mood of them swooning over Tooru, you now continued your walk.

Until you felt someone take your bookpack and pull it up in the air. CONSIDERING YOU STILL HAD YOUR BOOKPACK ON YOUR BACK, the person now also pulled you up in the air. Causing you to flinch.

As I looked at the rude person I realized it was Oikawa.
"Oikawa what do you want?"
"Then put me down got damn it!!"
As he put me down, he now got tense, almost shiver even.
"What is it?" I ask, in not so annoyed,but more of an impatient tone.
"Hm?" Oikawa now flinched at my sudden question.
"Oikawa-San I know how you look like when something is on your mind. Just say it, you know I won't mind anyway."
"(Y/n)-Chan..are you by any chance..." He started to talk before he cut himself off to find the right words.


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