3 - "why do you have to be so mean?!"

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Then the man asked a very odd question that made jimin feel a bit uncomfortable. "Jiminie, can you lay on the bed?" "Okay?" "Jimin laied on the bed with fear and confusion.

"So when's the Troye Sivan concert?" "Don't worry about it." As the man took oot a wet blanket and handcuffs then man dropped something on his foot. "OWW! SHIT!" "Oh my god are you okay?!"

"Yeah, come here" as jimin walked towards the man he heard somebody's foot steps. Jimin ran to the man and hid behind him. The door Creeked open, And saw a Blue colored hair man. As jimin looked at the man's Beutiful eyes and locked eye contact with the man.

As jimin Walked towards the man slowly, he wrapped his hands around the mans waist and broke eye contact with the man. "w-w-what are you doing?!" "You're really handsome"...

"Uh, th-thanks but I have a girlfriend" Jimin immediately broke any contact with the man and ran off to the nearest room. and hid on a side of the bed. And snaped his mom.

Mom:No honey stay there

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No honey stay there. I have to stay at your brothers hospital appointment.


Yes, jimin.

Jimin Threw his phone to the wall. And shoved his head into the bed and cried. He cried and cried and Sobbed until the two men grabbed his arms and legs and tied him to the bed.

Jimin heard footsteps coming so he crouched and slid under the bed. Jimin saw his phone on and could see it was a Snapchat. He hesitated if he should go or not.

"It will be quick, right jimin?"
He toled himself. He slid out of the bed carefully and tried not to make a single noise. He got on his fours and crawled to the phone. He read the message and saw it was from the man.

Jimin felt uncomfortable with the picture the man had sent

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Jimin felt uncomfortable with the picture the man had sent. Jimin replied with a picture in a dark room.

"Come find me

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"Come find me

"Oh I see you baby boy

"Do you really? Or is that an illusion?

Jimin put a bunch of pillows under the bed and locked the door, he escaped through the window and ran away as fast as he could.

Jimin heard faint footsteps behind him. But he didn't want to turn around.  He was scared if it was the man. He ran until he saw a house. It had a yellow bright light that stood out of the black night.

He turned around and saw nothing but black and a really faint shade of blue. But he ran towards the house and hoped for someone or someTHING so he jogged his way to the house.

But the house seemed to get smaller. As if jimin was running away from the house. He stoped and sat down on the edge of the street and called his mom.

"Mom where are you?"

"In still in the hospital honey. Is everything everything alright?!"

"No mom!, I ran away!"



no your not just stay with my brother, he's more important than me"

Jimin hung up. Jimin got up and wiped his pants. He decided to walk towards the house. As he walked and walked and walked, he heard a car. It was the same faint blue car.

But this time it wasn't faint blue. It was dark blue, jimin had seen that car before, but he dosent know from where. Then he walked towards the car. And saw the person in the car.

He made a face of disgust. And saw the man with the blue hair. So he ran as fast as he could and the car drove up to him and yelled at him. "JIMINIE! COME HERE!" jimin did not care what ever the man yelled.

He just wanted to go home. "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FU-" jimin was cut off by a wet cloth. As the man got out of the car he covered jimins eyes and jimins hands were pulled back by a cold metal.

"PLEASE HELP ME! ANYBODY SOMEBODY!" "Jimin, no one can hear you." They picked up jimin and moved the blindfold in jimins mouth. And carried him to the car.

As the two men carried jimin they put jimin in the passenger seat. As the two men talked the blue haired man dicieded to say his name.

"My name is Min yoongi and this is my best friend, Jung Hoseok. "Hoseok you drive, jimin will sit on me"...

Jimin's eyes widened as he heard the
Olders words. Yoongi took out jimin and placed him on his hard cock. Jimin felt pleasure so he moved around a lot. Yoongi moaned softly.

Yoongi pulled jimin towards his chest and bit jimins neck. Jimin gasped and moaned loudly. Yoongi licked jimins neck and sucked his skin.

"aaaH- yo-yoo-yoongi! Please stop!"  Jimin tried to pull himself from yoongi's chest. Jimin grabbed the car handle and pulled it towards him and pushed him self away from yoongi.

Yoongi immediately grabbed jimin amd held his chest. Yoongi lifted up his shirt and made lines with the tip of his finger and outlined jimins abs.

Jimin filled the car with moans. "You like that huh?!" "Ye-yes!" Jimin groaned and begged for yoongi. "Please- f-f-fu-fuck, me!" "No, you get a punishment for running away!"

Yoongi quietly unbuckeld his pants and pulled them down until it revealed his hard cock. He then placed jimin on his cock. Yoongi slid off jimins thin white pants and thrusted. All yoongi heard was jimins cries, moans, groans and him squeezing the car handle.

Yoongi slid off his boxers and jimins. And asked jimin if it was okay to insert his cock in his ass. Jimin immediately nodded. Yoongi applied some lube and inserted his cock in jimins ass. He thrusted and thrusted.

"aaaaH-I'm close!" Yoongi covered his hole and prevented him from cumming. He trusted harder and harder until he came in jimin. Jimin yelled and wanted to come.

Yoongi then moved his finger and kept thrusting for jimin to come. Yoongi placed a empty water bottle and kept Jimins semin in there. Jimin finally came.

Hoseok was so uncomfortable. But he dealt a with it. Jimin turned his whole body around and faced yoongi's direction.

Yoongi kissed his plump lips. "Ah-yoongi! You're so good!" "Shhhhhhh! All I want to hear are your moans and groans."

Yoongi licked jimins neck and sucked his skin. Yoongi went back to his lips and shoved his Tounge into jimins mouth and made him suck his Tounge.

Yoongi took ot his tounge and sucked jimins lips and he intensely made out with jimin. Until he felt a tap on him.

"You're dead yoongi." "What do you mean?" "Look." Hoseok said while pointing to the window. Yoongi's heart started to race and told jimin to pull his pants up as fast as possible.

Yoongi fixed his hair and got out of the car with jimin and told jimin to act natural.

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