The School Trip

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Zeref POV

I can't believe our class got a trip to the beach. I didn't even know there was a prize to first place winners like for real. Maybe I should start checking the calendar in the office that has events on there. Right now we're on the bus heading towards the beach.

Everybody seems to be enjoying themselves accept Natsu, Gajeel, and Laxus. For some apparent reason they all have motion sickness.

I'm gonna be like Anna from Frozen. For the first time in forever, Gray has on his clothes, and he is keeping them on. Like seriously nobody doesn't want to look at your medium size dick, but Juvia of course who always have hearts in her eyes.

I don't know why he want admit he likes her too cause he always trying to hide it. There might be girls that like Gray, but Juvia seems to love him for who he is.

Then I see Levy getting sleepy probably from reading. To be honest you shouldn't actually read in a vehicle cause  it can cause dizziness, makes you sleepy, and you could probably get sick from it which is why she is laying down right now.

There go Jellal also getting tired cause he's reading and Erza is sitting right next to him eating cake. I wonder if her doctor ever tells her to stop eating cake everyday. She never gets fat from non of this, or even gets tired. Maybe cause she be dealing with those kids that be showing that our school is a bad influence on the students. Maybe that's how she lose weight or be a little bit thin.

And the others were either sleeping or talking. I looked at the bus mirror that can see almost everything on the bus to see Natsu and Lucy. Natsu seemed to be feeling better cause Lucy was letting him lay on her lap. She was also playing with his hair.

Why do I have the urge to yell right now? I can't believe she likes him back. I mean like I know Natsu goes out with a lot of women and gets the girl, but why Lucy.

Why does he have to get the girl I like? Well actually love. I can't tell Lucy that I love especially since she lives with me. It would be also a little bit rude to date the teacher. Just joking our school district doesn't really care about all that teacher and student dating stuff. You can't just be doing stuff like cheating the grades for example. It's just awkward cause I'm her homeroom teacher. So if we were dating and we broke up then yeah it would be very awkward since she is my student.

I looked at my phone at the map to see we were only a few minutes away from the beach. I hope we have some fun cause it would be a bummer if we didn't. Then I exit off the Map app and went to Messages. I had got a message from Mirajane to see that there were other schools coming. I feel bad if any of my kids make a scene. Mostly I'm betting it will be Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Erza, and probably even Laxus. That depends on what it might be. If I lose this bet then I'll tell you if I will make a move on Lucy.  Just bet!

Then I got another message from Mirajane telling which schools are coming. Okay there's Mermaid Heel. I'm just gonna day this. Almost all the girls at that school are either lesbians or bisexual. And they always be dramatic about things.

Blue Peaguses. Oh don't get me started on that playboy academy. I swear if you go up in that school you better wear a mask cause they got perfume spraying everywhere every 10 minutes. Like seriously I'm not joking I actually got sick because of that.

Lamia Scale. Well how do I put this in the nicest way? That academy are a bunch of wannabes. Then they be acting all serious about situations like does that really matter. They can get serious over the little things, like one time when I visited the academy I lost my pen and everybody stopped working and tried to find my pen. No wonder the academy average is a C+. And that's not good. Maybe to y'all whose got parents that says it's okay for y'all to get a C+ or lower. But it really ain't okay for you in the future.

But there's this one kid who is, so much like Gray. He strips off his clothes like it nothing. And the thing that messes with me the most is that his dick is hair and is a little bit bigger than Gray's. Not a lot just a little bit.

Quattro Cerbuses. Oh that academy is super loud. I admire their school spirit, but the thing is that they got students leaving every three months. Or sometimes weeks. It's mostly girls cause they be getting either pregnant, S.T.D's, or doing stupid stuff. And that school average is a D.

Raven Tail. Well I will admit they have good grades, but that's only cause the students and teachers steal the test. That dumb@$$ academy f*cken cheats a lot. And there principle Pinocchio (Ivan) has a f*cken problem. I feel bad that Laxus has a dad like that and Makarov has a son like that. I can't believe he's not in jail for what he did. Sh*t talking about Raven Tail got me cussing. And the sad thing about this is that my religion is Christianity.

Last but not least Sabertooth. I kinda feel a little bit bad for the students cause of what the Master makes them do. He's a pervert for sure. I heard from Guildarts when the team lost the play offs, they had to strip off their clothes and get a buzz cut. And most of the kids there have really good hair. In fact when I visited the school the kids said I had a nice hairstyle and they weren't joking. To be honest there was this one kid I thought was gay cause of what he was wearing.

He had some jagger pants, a tank top that stopped at the bottom of his chest, a crystal ear ring, some mascara on, those skin tone makeup, and that's basically all I got. Now you tell me that doesn't seem like something a gay person would wear. Like seriously and the hair just always looks like it ain't dirty or nothing.

And the academy grade point average is a A+ which is pretty good.

We had arrived at the beach and there was people there. I also saw some other busses.

"Okay students of mine get your stuff and get your @$$ off the bus."I said as they did as I said and some of them snickered.

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖

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