Chapter 13: Lily's decision

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It's been six days scents my date with Raven and tomorrow I have to pick one of them, but I still don't know who I want to be with. Right now I'm pacing in my living room trying to make my decision, it's no use, I just don't know. Just then I heard a knock on the door, then open and close. I looked over to see Kayla standing there with worry in her eyes as she looked at me, then she said "Lily, you need to calm down" she walked over to me and took my hand as she lead me to the couch. We sat down then she spoke "take a deep breath" I did as she said, "better?" "better, thanks Kayla" "no problem, now tell me what's wrong" "I have to tell the boys who I pick tomorrow, but I don't know who want to be with" "hmm....well why don't you tell me about the dates you had with them and maybe I can help" "ok" I thought back to my first date with Derek "well, first was Derek, he took me to the cafe where we first hung out then we went to the park for a walk" "that sounds nice. Who was next?" "Grayson, we went into the woods where he had a picnic set up then we went for a walk until we came to a lack with a waterfall, it was beautiful" "wow, next was Archer, right?" "ya, he took me to the top of a cliff to a beautiful field of flowers then he lead me to a picnic under a cherry blossom tree, after that he flew me up into the tree and made the blossoms turn different colors, it was amazing" "so cool, I wish I saw that. Last was Raven" "yup, we went to the fair then he took me to a show in the park, I got to sing and finally we went back to the fair to ride the ferris wheel, the view was spectacular" "it sounds like you had a good time with each one of them, but when you were with them who made your heart race and take your breath away?" I thought for a minute then his smile popped up in my mind and I could feel the heat rise to my face. I now know who I want to be with, I looked at Kayla and said "______ is the one I love" she smiled then hugged me "I'm proud of you and I can't wait for you to tell him" "thanks, you were a big help, if you didn't show up I would still be pacing around the room" "what are friends for" we both laughed then she said "I got to go, bye Lily and good luck" "bye and thanks again" when she left I spent the rest of the day cleaning my house for something to do then I went to bed. When I woke up I got dress and went downstairs to wait for the boys to show up. Two hours later I heard a knock, I opened the door to see the four boys standing there, I let them in and we all went to the living room, they sat down and I went to the kitchen to get us all something to drink. I brought the drinks in and put them on the table, we all took a cup and downed the drinks in one gulp then Grayson said "did you make your decision Lily?" "yes, I did" Archer asked "would you mind telling us who" "no matter who I pick, will we all still be friends?"
Archer "of course"
Derek "no matter what"
Raven "I will always be your friend"
Grayson "friends forever!"
I smiled then took a deep breath, I could feel the heat start to rise to my cheeks then I said " I choose........ Archer" I tried to hide my blush but when he smiled at me he made it worse. The others were disappointed but smiled anyway. Raven shook hands with Archer then looked at me and said "if you're happy, I'm happy" I smiled at him as he gave me a hug and left. Derek shook Archer's hand as well "I thought it would be you, just don't hurt her or your dead" Archer only nodded then Derek left. After he left Grayson said "let's all hang out again sometime soon, ok?" I said "sure" he smiled then left leaving myself and Archer alone. After a few minutes Archer turned to me and said "thank you for picking me" "you don't have to thank me, the heart wants what the heart wants" he smiled at me but then it turned into a frown, he spoke "oh I almost forgot, for us to be together you have to become an angel" "oh do I do that?" "you have to eat this" he passed me a small pink candy, I looked at it for a little then Archer said "are you sure? once you take that there's no going back" "I'm sure" he nodded and I ate the candy, once the candy was gone a pair of wings popped out of my back and I knew that this was the start of my new life with Archer, my angel prince.
10 years later
"And that is how I met your father" I just finished telling my two kids Mark and May about when I was young and met their father. Mark said "I love that story mom" I smiled then the room door opened and Archer walked in "your not telling them our story again are you, my queen?"  "you know I am, my king" we smiled then I noticed it was getting late "time for bed kids" they said "ok mom" Archer and I brought the kids to their room then we tucked them in and went to our room. Once we got to our room I took out my journal and wrote.
Dear Mom and Dad
    The past ten years have been great, I am a mother to two kids and I became the queen of the angels. Scents I married Archer I am glad to say that I am still friends with Derek, Raven and Grayson. My life is better than I thought it would be, I wish you were here to see me now. I miss you so mush, until next time
                                         Love your
                                             Daughter Lily
I put my journal away and turned to Archer, he smiled then said "what did you write about?" "oh, just how amazing my life is" he giggled the kissed my cheek "good night my sweet" "good night my love"

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