Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

                For some reason that night I couldn’t fall asleep. I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach like something was going to happen tomorrow. And on top of that I wasn’t exactly thrilled to take my little sister to go and see One Direction in a crowded mall with a thousand screaming girls. Glancing over at my clock I saw it was already one o’clock. Damn. I have to wake up in 5 hours to drive my little sister to the mall. Tomorrow might just be the biggest waste of my time. But who knows it could be exciting…

                                                                            *             *             *

                “Briiii! Briiii! Time to wakey!”

                I opened my eyes to two bright brown eyes staring down at me, I can’t believe Megan came in my room and jumped on my bed.

                “Just let me sleep I little bit longer,” I mumbled sleepily into my pillow.

                “Nope, it’s already 6:05 you were supposed to be up at 6!” Megan yelled right in my ear.

                “Alright fine, I’m up, I’m up,” It’s not like I was going to get anymore sleep now that she was going around my room and opening my blinds and turning on all the lights.

                “Come on daddy made pancakes for us because of the special day,” Megan said with a huge goofy grin on her face I couldn’t help but to smile back.

                “Hey Meggy run downstairs and make me a plate of pancakes, I’ll be down in five minutes once I’m done getting ready.”

                “Okay!” And with that she was off skipping down the hall humming some song that I recognized was One Direction.

                “What to wear, what to wear…” I said to myself looking through my closet. It’s not like I was trying to impress these boys it’s just that all of these other girls were going to be there striving for attention and I didn’t want to be the oddball out. I heard my phone start ringing and I walked over to answer it.

                “Morning sunshine,” I heard amber say in a sing-song voice from the other line.

                “Oh boy am I happy to hear you,” and even though she couldn’t see my face I knew Amber sensed my sarcasm.

                “Hey don’t get bitchy with me, it’s not my fault you’re doing this,” she remarked.

                “True, I guess it’s just the fact you have so much energy this early in the morning that gets me going. Why are you up this early anyway?”

                “Well my parents left for their anniversary trip this morning so they woke me up to watch Abby and Tommy since they’re only four and they would destroy the house without supervision,” Abby and Tommy were Amber’s twin little brother and sister.

                “Oh I see, anyway I’m getting another call I’m sure you will hear from me more later while I’m waiting in line.”

                “Alright, don’t have too much fun,” she said putting a little smile on my face.

                “I’ll try not to, bye.”


                I looked and saw that Lily was on the other line and wondered why she was up this early too.

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