The Fighter

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Ren's POV

"So let me get this straight. Alec walks in on Camille lip locking with Magnus. Then promptly, let's them go to Camille's apartment, where you guys were all contained with swords to your throats, and Jace went with Valentine?"

I asked, looking at Alec who nodded. "Yeah. Pretty much, but you know you're okay right?" Raphael said and I looked at him. "Let me get this straight Santiago. I've got demon blood, faerie blood, werewolf blood, angel blood, and your blood in my system now. Do you honestly want me to answer that?" I snapped, my eyes burning green like a wolf's for a second.

"No..." And suddenly I threw a normal butcher knife at him and it stabbed him through the shoulder. "Ow." Raphael said and I looked at him, my gaze like steel. "Just be lucky it wasn't your head you son of a gun."

And I pulled the knife out of his shoulder and unlocked the door, walking out. "I'll talk to her." Alec said and looked apologetically at the knife as he ran past me after Ren. I looked at him as he stood next to me on the balcony.

"I wanted to come back for so long Alec' and now, I..." And I dropped my gaze to the ground. "Hey listen to me okay?"

Alec said and lifted my chin up gently so I was looking at him. "I want to break it." And he looked at me, his eyes staring into mine. "I want to break the parabatai bond."

I said and had a knife in my hand. I slashed it down towards me and suddenly it was Raphael who had the blade buried into his stomach. I let out a whimper of a growl at him.

"He knows how much it can hurt."

Alec said as Raphael pulled out the knife from his stomach, wincing only slightly.

"Because, I'm almost 200 years old, and I've seen many parabatai bonds break. Some people kill themselves, other join the Iron Sisters or the Silent Brothers, or some even go to downworlders and asked to be changed."

Raphael said and I looked at him. "Seriously?" And he nodded. "Yeah." He said and hissed as the sun began to rise.

"I'll be hiding in the darkest room in the house." And I pulled out my stele. "Hold still." I said and let me thoughts wander. Suddenly a rune was erupting on Raphael's hand and he walked out into the sun and didn't burn up.

"What's that rune?" Alec asked.

"It seems to be protection from the sun but... I've never seen it in the Gray Book."

I said and he looked at me, his eyes deadly serious. "Because it isn't in the Gray Book, or any of them Ren. You created your own rune of protection of your own."

And I looked at my wrists, covered in runes, then at my parabatai who nodded, and then at Raphael who could walk in the sun. "It needs to be applied every couple of days." I said.

Raphael nodded and I held my arm out to him. "You need to feed." And he looked at me.

"I need animal blood." He Said and I sighed and snapped my fingers. There were two live cows and they were in cages.

Raphael bared his fangs and hissed. He opened the door and walked towards the first one after he slammed the door behind him. He lunged and the cow squealed as it died. Raphael drunk it clean in seconds and wiped his mouth.

"Thanks." He Said and I nodded as Simon attacked the other cow with a vengeance and I smiled. I snapped my fingers and knives flew over and began to butcher the cows quickly and efficiently. "Magnus! We're eating steak tonight!" And he walked in. "You're kidding."

He said and I nodded. I snapped my fingers and the blood collected in two thermoses for Raphael and Simon.

They caught them in their hands from the air with their fast reflexes before they fell onto the ground. Magnus snapped his fingers and the skeletons of the cows disappeared quickly.

I sighed and walked into my room, looking at the sketches of Alec and Magnus. Then my gaze moved to the ones with Raphael and Magnus. I smiled at one that Magnus had framed for me. "You drew that when you were 5. About the time when you realized I didn't age." And I smiled as Raphael walked in. "Even after Magnus told you that I couldn't where a cross, you drew one on me anyways, saying that everyone has a soul, alive or undead." He said and sat next to me on the bed, looking at the drawing. "Time for karaoke!" Magnus yelled and I groaned, looking at Raphael, pleading for him to do something, but he couldn't do anything about it. So I went out to face the music, literally.

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