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Ren's POV

I saw a portal erupt into being and suddenly Circle members pulled me through and I screamed, but knew no one could hear me anymore. I began to fight, and my bow and quiver appeared in my hands.

"I wouldn't do that just yet daughter." And I spun around to see Valentine standing there, holding a seraph blade to Alec's throat.

"Let him go."

I said, my eyes staring into Alec's. "Ahh, the parabatai bond. You always think it'll save you, until the person you think of as a brother or sister in arms, betrays you." And he pushed Alec towards me and I kept him upright.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

I asked through gritted teeth.

"Keeping the bond together so I didn't have to weaken it to track you."

He said and I rolled my eyes as I gave my weapons to the Circle members. "By all means, take the bow and quiver." I said sarcastically as they practically ripped it from my hands.

One of Valentine's guards shot something into Alec's neck and he sagged against me. "Alec." I said, looking at his eyes which were rolling back into his head. "Hey. Stay awake."

I said and suddenly a knife was stabbed into my shoulder blade. I groaned and pulled the knife out, still hanging onto Alec's unconscious body. Suddenly a bunch of people restrained me and threw me in a birdcage like cell.

I watched as they strung him up by his wrists as began to beat him. Soon he was covered in blood and I was yelling at them to stop as he slowly came out of it. "Let him go! I swear I'll do anything!" I screamed and they stopped.

Suddenly one threw a bucket of Salt water on Alec's wounds and it all began again. "Enough." And they stopped as Valentine walked in.

Valentine slashed Alec's bonds and he gave Alec to me. I had Alec's head in my lap and he slowly came back to reality. "Ren."

He said and I smiled. "Hey." I whispered and gave him an old shirt to wipe his wounds clean and he leaned backwards.

"I'm sorry, I should've told you."

Alec said and I didn't need to use the parabatai bond, I already knew what he was talking about. He was clearly exhausted way past his limits and I moved over so he could lie next to me, instead of on top of me.

"Cramped containments." I muttered and chuckled humorlessly but Alec was already asleep on his back. I had snuck my stele into the cage with me and I slowly drew itraze. I kissed his forehead. "Goodnight Alec." I whispered and lay down next to him.

A / N

Sorry guys, I know this one was shorter then normal, but I'm on vacation so I don't have much time for Wattpad right now. So be ready for the next chapter, hopefully it will be longer this time.

-Aren Fairchild

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