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In life, everyone has hurdles to jump over. It's what makes life, life. Each hurdle is always more difficult than the last, it's what makes us stronger. As a baby you go through the hurdle of being born, your next hurdle is living, living those few months where you can barely do much but you're living. The next is moving.

Each hurdle comes with its own challenges but we find ways to over come them. Once over we breathe and are better for over coming that hurdle of life.

Some hurdles are a lot stronger and a lot higher then others and we have to find different ways of overcoming it. It maybe to walk around, go under or jump so high to actually go over it but once the other side, we are wiser for it. We know how to deal with that type of hurdle so the next time we can completely take it out before it gets to us or it doesn't get too high.

Now some hurdles we jump and they snag on us, we end up dragging them along with us because as much as we try to get over that hurdle. We can't, it could be a loss of a person, moving home, it could be anything but it weighs us down and we get to the next hurdle and because of the weight of the last one we just don't know if we can even get around this one.

Some attempt that jump but end up carrying around the weight of each one because they can't get over it properly. I'm not saying you should. The challenges each one of us faces are different to other people.

Sometimes life is unfair, just as you're about to clear that first big hurdle you're hit with another and another and another. It becomes unending and we are straining to over come them all because so many are happening all at once we just don't know what to do.

My advice?

Breathe, just breathe.

We can do this together, no matter what happens you are not alone. You haven't got to face each one alone, help is always there but just breathe.


Don't think of that hurdle yet, think of the ones you have passed. You are at this point in life, do you know how many hurdles you have actually had to face to get to here? No because the ones we actually accomplish become a memory we don't think of.

You are how old? Great, you got to this point and over come so many hurdles but yet you stand here now. You stand here and I can see you, weary yes but here.

You got through your childhood, whatever hurdles you had to face you got past it. You are standing here and you are stronger then you have ever been and you will continue to get stronger.

There are always weak moments. We are human at the end of the day but thats fine, that's what makes you, you. So smile because you are here. No matter what hurdle you are facing, smile. Because you can.

You can do anything as long as you know you are not alone. If you need the help just ask.

I needed a lot of help getting over some of my hurdles. I'm still dragging a few behind me but I'm okay with that, because some day I will be free of those hurdles but I am here. I am stronger then I ever thought I could be.

Because I am me.

That is one thing no one can take away no matter how many hurdles I face, it won't change who I am. It just changes how I see things

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