Part 23; Aftermath

Start from the beginning

I rip the box open and pull out one of the packets in there, then proceed to rip open one of those too. It feels weird against my skin... almost like a bandaid and sticky tape combined. Peter's eyes burn into me. The uncomfortable silence the two of us always find ourselves basking in returns. It's so annoying and it's always with Peter.

"How did you find me?" I mutter, breaking the quietness.

"Well, when MJ went up to your room and you weren't there, I had a hint," he answers forwardly then continues, "you're the most unpredictable predictable person I know."

I laugh a little, "that makes no sense."

"But it does. I knew you were coming for a cigarette, but I wasn't expecting you to flash a guy for a packet of them."

Wow. It does kind of make sense.

"You didn't have to come, you know," I tell him, "I was out, so what?"

I regret saying that as soon as it tumbles out, "if I didn't come, you would have flashed a guy and you would have been smoking right now."

He's right. Again. I chew on my lip and rock myself back and forth, turning my head away from him. He sighs and takes a seat next to me, "why didn't you just come to me when you had the craving?"

"You were occupied with MJ. What the hell am I supposed to say? Sorry to interrupt your lip-locking session, but I need to steal you so that you can help me work out my life?" I suggest sarcastically.

He exhales, "right. You saw."

"I'm pretty sure the whole team is going to know by now," I tell him.

"Did you tell anyone?!" he asks worriedly.

I shake my head, "despite how effed up I can be, no. But Ned probably has."

He laughs softly, "it's funny. You say how effed up your life is and then you go and try and do... what you were trying to do to someone."

Ouch. That kind of hurt, if I'm honest. Actually, no. If I'm honest, that felt like a stab in the gut.

"Do you think I want to have this mindset?" I stand up, ready to rage at him, "Peter, I wish I was like you. You and my dad are the strongest people I know and if I'm honest, you go about your life way better than he does. You lost both your parents and I have the both of mine, they're just not together and yet, I'm acting like a way bigger baby than you ever had."

He avoids looking at me and leans forward, bouncing his leg up and down. "It's been hard, you know?" he admits quietly.

"It would," I tell him, "you'd be crazy if it wasn't hard."

"It's okay some days. Then on other days, it'll hit me. I really don't have parents," he laughs it off, "but don't get me wrong, May is great and I guess I do have some sort of father figure in my life..."

I rest a hand on his knee, "May is lucky to have you... and so is MJ."

Peter looks up at me and smiles. This sends butterflies to go rogue in my stomach and my heart to flutter amongst them.

If I try to quit for anyone, I won't even try to quit for myself.

I'll do it for the boy who's stolen my heart.

My bag is slung over my shoulder and I hop onto the bus, hopeful and ready to start a new day for the first time in forever. But when I'm on, my heart shatters into thousands of pieces again. MJ and Peter are sitting next to eachother and she's fallen asleep... on his shoulder. They look like an actual couple... which I guess they are.

The Butterfly Effect: a Peter Parker Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now